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ghost's Avatar
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Does hacking have to be computer related ???

Or could u also hack games like GTA San Andreas on the ps2 ?

Just wondering…

ghost's Avatar
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what do you mean by "hacking" the games?

anyways, contrary to popular belief, phones are still a medium for hacking, if a smaller and more difficult one. while many old phreaking boxes are now obsolete, it's still possible to brute into mail-boxes and explore with your phone.

do some research.

ghost's Avatar
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ahh my friend, u miss understand the term "hacking" , hacking does not mean illegal infilrattion of the DOD or watever shit like that, hacking is much more then taht, its makeing the most out of what you have and making it it work for u.

so yes, hacking isnt just for computers, its for anything.. for life!

ghost's Avatar
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yeh i dont see why not

ghost's Avatar
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you can hack acronyms like GNU, WINE, GAMBAS, HURD and other shit like that. but i recommend not doing it (in some jurisdictions, hacking acronyms might result in a fine of up to U$D250,000 and up to 15 years in prison)