Well, me and Netfish have already started talking about it, so I suppose we get to be the HBHzine organizers/leaders by default or something. The next step is to run this by the admins to see if we have official backing from it…so what do you say Mr_Cheese? Are you game fore it?
I am glad we have already generated interest from the help and writing area, once we get a site up and running then we will need a good writing staff, look for a forum post about it looking for members of the zine staff later. Until this gets slightly more organized, c-ya later,
Yay! I'd love the HBHZine to be restarted :)
To the people who said "I can't code" etc, well, technically you don't have to know how to code to write a magazine :p
I don't think you need an actual site for the zine, maybe hbh could create a subdomain where the zines could be uploaded and downloaded from etc :)
That subdomain would be Great! The writers and staff need a little place to talk, do you think it would be to much to set up a zine staff only forum? After that then I think we would pretty much be set to start finding the staff and writing. As netfish isn't on, I can't make all the desicions myself, we need his approval as well. But I think that would be great, Thank you System, NC
turbocharged_06 wrote: ill give some of my artwork a try pm me if you want
Lol… thanks but no thanks
And too be honest, the other zines have sucked. The article about Java from hack4u was full of errors and I don't give a fuck about hacky sacks and fashion.
If you/we're going to pick up hbh zine again, then it needs to be a bit less girly and lame.
Also, people who said they can't code… In case you didn't notice, HBHzine.com was running a non-modified version of PHP-Fusion. They didn't even edit the panels and added a few custom pages. So if you know how to use FTP you got the same skill level as previous admins.
But yeah, this could be good.
**The Flash wrote: ** Also, people who said they can't code… In case you didn't notice, HBHzine.com was running a non-modified version of PHP-Fusion. They didn't even edit the panels and added a few custom pages. So if you know how to use FTP you got the same skill level as previous admins.
Well if you are using fusion then im defo in…ive had some experience with fusion e.g. how it works, where each file is stored so if you want me im here ;)
Well i'm down i can't do much but i might be able to do something or look for shit if you want AIM me at 'yourcpphero' or msn me at imask8erhack@hotmail.com i never read any of the other ones so it would be cool if it got started again and it would be sweet if i could read some thanks man:):)
why does it even need a site? i mean all it really needs is to be incorporated into HBH itself. So stop worrying so much about where you are going to host your site, etc. and worry about making awesome articles. An idea that would be pretty cool, is to have at least 1 video come out with the zine, if not then maybe make the whole zine issue a collective amount of videos from the zine staff. i am just thinking of a couple of ideas, but i mean who doesn't like watching videos instead of reading text?
chislam wrote: why does it even need a site? i mean all it really needs is to be incorporated into HBH itself. So stop worrying so much about where you are going to host your site, etc. and worry about making awesome articles. An idea that would be pretty cool, is to have at least 1 video come out with the zine, if not then maybe make the whole zine issue a collective amount of videos from the zine staff. i am just thinking of a couple of ideas, but i mean who doesn't like watching videos instead of reading text?
I second that :happy: visual/practical aids are always better for keeping thoughts in your head ;)
The zine doesn't NEED a site, something that bothered me about the last incarnation of the zine was the huge focus on it being a site, not necessarily a zine. However, we need to work out how things are going to run and a staff first. Let me and netfish do what we need to do.
We will talk about the video idea. I, myself, am a purist so I would like it to be an actual "e-zine" in the most literal sense of the term, so I hope that there will be text articles, however, videos may accompany, I cannot say anything at this time because netfish and I have not talked it through.
Keep the suggestions coming and feel free to debate, but realize that until some of the basic needs (a plan, a staff, ect…) are met, you may not get to many answers from us.
Also, We have System_Meltdown's blessing (yay :D) but I also want to make sure Mr_Cheese wants us to continue the zine as well. If he has not posted on this thread in a day or two I will PM him to ask.
Until later when we have more answers for you, NC
EDIT: @The_Flash: I realize that the previous zine had many innaccuracies we will try to fix that as much as possible. I will do at least the minimum of research to check facts. As with even the best journalism and editors, a few may slip through, because that's just how life works. But I want you to know that I will do the VERY best that I can to ensure you a HACKING zine, that is accurate, and is as focused on computers, hacking, security, and programming. You are our audience and we will cater to your interests.
Lol @ Jaggledancer - Read mozzers post ;)
turbocharged_06 wrote: i like that
What a pointless post. Save your 3 worded opinion for a later date sil vous plait.
I'm sorry to say but you can't have any beginner articles. It should range from intermediate > advanced. Beginner/basic articles are what users of this site day to day… The zine needs to draw people across the globe of a high intelligence. This, in my opinion, is the best way to develop the zine and HBH.
The Flash wrote: What a pointless post. Save your 3 worded opinion for a later date sil vous plait.
I'm sorry to say but you can't have any beginner articles. It should range from intermediate > advanced. Beginner/basic articles are what users of this site day to day… The zine needs to draw people across the globe of a high intelligence. This, in my opinion, is the best way to develop the zine and HBH.
yeah dude deffinetly
great idea
like hbh can teach you the basics then the zine could help you when you go off to do more then little hbh stuff
turbocharged_06 wrote: p.s. i dont like you flash no offense but dont reply to my posts anymore since they arent at your level read my post
Anyway we should have like different topics that the staff needs to make videos and articles for like: sql injections, XSS, …..ect and the staff will need to fill it up
turbocharged_06 wrote: p.s. i dont like you flash no offense but dont reply to my posts anymore since they arent at your level Excuse how childish this may sound, but I will reply to whatever the fuck I want to.
bl4ckc4t wrote: I agree with mozzer, hackysack isn't an interesting subject. I don't recall mozzer saying that. Maybe you should pay better attention before quoting people?
jaggedlancer wrote: Wtf is hackysack anyway?
I suggest you read the previous zines :angry:
And sleazoid - Glad you agree xD
I would love to help lol
Good ideas, people. I concur on most things said about the old zine, as it focused more on the hosting aspect, and seemed to have more ads than needed.
However, I believe that we can still use SOME of it's good, yet limited, parts.
As Neo_Chalchus already pointed out to me, we do NOT need too many people to work on it, as that will surely create chaos in knowing who has been assigned what role. Also, we might draw in newbies who wish to participate, but have no clue about network security or software engineering and exploitation.
The zine should strive to employ and maintain a professional style to it, while delivering only the best content to the community.
Submitted entries will be thoroughly edited for errors and, greater worries such as plagiarism and inaccurate information.
Neo_Chalchus and I are still talking over how to make raise the bar on the HBHzine. We will setup a process of selection for Coders, Writers, Editors, and Graphic Designers. Saying that you KNOW something will not simply be accepted as credit-worthy. More "background" check will be done on candidates.
Hoping to get more support and feedback for this. Expect great things to come!
@system_metldown, only_samurai, and The_flash: Thanks in advance for the support! It is greatly appreciated. More ideas and direction are needed from you still! So keep checking this thread and contribute as much as you possibly can, please.
Haha that is the prettiest post on HBH!
Right well I agree, for example you see turbocharged saying he would like to see articles on XSS and SQL injection… this is what I was talking about. XSS and SQL injection is not specific, whereas (I think it was bl4ck4t) said they would like to see BoF, Blind SQL injection etc…
Let the articles on this site cover techniques used in challenges such as Basic19 and the articles should be much further in depth using sql commands to escape code such as concat();
Maybe even how to code your own Blind SQL brute forcer… Without providing, (maybe censoring) the code but define some functions and apply a pseudo code to follow.
Instead of just requesting XSS (which in my eyes is … <script>alert('XSS HAXX');</script> … ) the articles for the zine should cover how you could use CSRF (Cross site request forgeries) to (when code is viewed) providing they are automatically logged in, purchase items online.
- Flash
lol, XSS and SQL Injections have been "overcovered" in previous zines, and there's too much information on them.
I personally will submit articles on more exotic attack methodologies. I will also try to "enlighten" the newbs in the community about topics that have not been getting as much attention as they deserve.
Yes, you know what I'm talking about: BoF (Buffer Overflow) Attacks, as Flash has already mentioned.
Coding/Software Engineering will be emphasized, also.
The Flash wrote:
Instead of just requesting XSS (which in my eyes is … <script>alert('XSS HAXX');</script> … ) the articles for the zine should cover how you could use CSRF (Cross site request forgeries) to (when code is viewed) providing they are automatically logged in, purchase items online.
- Flash
I could do an article on this, as I exploited PHP-Fusion about 3 or so months ago. After telling PHP-Fusion.co.uk about it, they secured it, but the concept of the attack can be used with lots of sites. I was able to change people's passwords to whatever I wanted including admins.
I feel obliged to let you guys in on what Neo_Chalchus and I came up with as ideas for the zine.
We will try to make it around 35 pages, and will try to shoot for days it some time around April 10th, 2007.
For reasons, that many of who know, we've come up with a crew already. The list is somewhat trivial as we have not received final OKs from our selected candidates or soon-to-be staff. For that we chose a crowd or no more than 10 people to work on it, seeing and knowing the consequences of employing more than that amount.
After getting the approval for all of those 10 people, we will submit it to the community, in case we need more people to join.
Neo_Chalchus and I are excited about this, and look forward to a powerful contribution from our selected (future) staff.
We've also decided to host it as a subdomain of HBH, thus getting rid of all of the hosting mumbo-jumbo and hell. System_Metldown, I believe, was generous enough to think and implement this step.
We are still open to suggestions and possible material that you might want to contribute. If it is good, it will be included in this zine, and if we run out of room, we will highly consider putting in on the next.
Let's further empower the community with powerful material, such as the zine!
Haha, sorry for all the delay and stuff guys, I have had my computer confiscated for a long time, and me and netfish have lost touch for that time. But I am back now and we will try to give you more updates once I get back in touch with him. Once again I am so sorry for the wait for the next one, its just a very big project. C-ya later, NC
As a result of another conversation with Neo_Chalchus, we have decided to request articles from the community. If we find anything particularly interesting and worth using, we will put it in the zine.
We need good content, in other words, no articles about "google hacking"… that's just overused. We'll be discussing more advanced topics for the benefit of everyone. Since, most topics on basic hacking have been covered greatly and resources on them are EVERYWHERE.
An example of a good article would be one on, say, Buffer Overflow attacks and their practicality.
If you have a topic you want to write about contact me (or Neo_Chalchus), then submit it. Remember, it has to be interesting –
Also, we need a few graphic design submissions for the zine. And we'll need about 4 graphic designers. Neo_Chalchus will be the Layout Manager, to some degree, so make submissions to him.
Expecting great things from you (members) and the Zine Staff equally.
HBH magazine. I used to read those. For those who havent seen it i asked frozen flame and hack4u for an older issue. Heres a link to the last xmas edition.
If HBH is going to make a new zine its going to have to be better than that one.