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Best Online Courses

ghost's Avatar
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Well,I have been looking around many online computer courses.I want to study mostly computer engineering sort of getting into all the hardware stuff.My parents also think I waste my time on the computer and they want me to do some real studying.They said if I find a good course they will pay for it.

So,do any of you know of any good computer engineering,computer repair online courses?


Also,I am in middle school so any courses that dont require a certain age would help.

ghost's Avatar
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Computer… repair? Erh?

Engineering courses are available at pretty much any technical-orientated tertiary educational institution. I'm not going to advise you to follow courses at private schools/institutions, those are expensive and, especially for someone your age useless.

Let me ask you this, what is it that you want to learn?

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May I suggest you stick with the University of Google, at least for the time being?

Online courses (from my experience): Cons: a) Expensive b -Run by people who are only after your money c) Don't teach you anything you couldn't find out for free d) Give you a false sense of learning (too structured) … e) Lack of true peer support f) You get a naff certificate if you actually complete the course g) ….

Pros: a) …. Non, I'm aware of …

Good luck & don't throw your dollar away in haste … BlueSky B)

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Compromise wrote: Let me ask you this, what is it that you want to learn?

Well I want to learn to fix computers,both software and hardware.

ghost's Avatar
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I think you want to find something related to A+. It's a certification, you take 2 tests, it's entry level, and the certification is good forever after you pass. The 2 tests are core hardware, and core os.

I'm not home right now, but tomorrow I can upload some training software for you. You should check out the local book store for a good book on it. Any community college in the area will also have an A+ course, and since you haven't graduated high school, it will be free in the USA.

Here is a list of colleges that record their classes, and make them public. You can stream from 86 colleges here. I doubt A+ will be covered though. http://www.ocwconsortium.org/use/use-dynamic.html

This site is more for programming, and OS stuff, but they do have a book on A+. www.51cnnet.net http://www.51cnnet.net/ebook/1452-a+-network+-security+-exams-in-a-nutshell

tkearn5000's Avatar
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Here is a link to MIT opencourseware. It contains resources including notes, lecture videos, assignments, and much more for many of MIT's computer science courses, as well as other subjects. Best of all, these resources are free. These courses won't give you a grade, but could definitely help you acquire some useful knowledge that will put you ahead of the curve of others your age. http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Electrical-Engineering-and-Computer-Science/index.htm

If you want formal courses, I would suggest a looking at local colleges, even a community college. Most have online courses, and you could earn real credits.

It all really depends on your goals. Do you want to learn more about computers for fun, or do you plan on eventually making a career out of it. If you want to make it a career, let your parents know that you are serious about it, and not just playing around on your PC. Maybe they will be more supportive.

ghost's Avatar
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MIT is linked to on ocwconsortium.org.

@ op, you don't want electrical engineering or computer science, you want A+. Network + is a natural follow up to A+. Also, it makes it a lot more likely that you won't have to work anywhere that has a deep-fryer. There's something to be said for not going home every night smelling like deep-fried onions.

YouGina's Avatar
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There are Cisco courses for both software and hardware. I have to follow them at school, so don't really like them, but they are good enough for what you describe, I guess.

It is better if you buy a book, and then follow the exams. That's a lot cheaper.