DCS now recruiting
Alias: Cubeman372
I should become a member becuase: I spend to much time doing nothing being bored and I need more experience
Languages I know SUFFICIANTLY ENOUGH to know how to retrieve data in some way, and to make decisions based on this data: HTML Batch PHP C++
Primary Coding Language: Python
Proof of my primary language:
cubeTheory = ['square',6, 'box', 372,'cube',64]
print 'cubeTheory = ',cubeTheory
print "Cubeman372 has the power to add parts of cubeTheory, cubeTheory is now:"
print cubeTheory
print 'The amount of things in cubeTheory', len(cubeTheory),
#Scaning cubeTheory
c = 0
while c < len(cubeTheory):
print 'cubeTheory[',c,']=',cubeTheory[c]
c = c + 1
del cubeTheory[2]
print "After the 'box' got boring, cubeTheory is now:"
print cubeTheory
if 'life' in cubeTheory:
print "'life' was found in cubeTheory"
print "'life' was not found in cubeTheory"
print 'The sorted version of cubeTheory is ',cubeTheory
Non- Programming related skills (not necessarily computer-related): Can build a PC from parts in under 15 minutes, I can fix alot of hardware problems. I can play guitar(ish)
Alias: HopelessRomantic
I should become a member becuase: I am addicted to hacking.
Languages I know SUFFICIANTLY ENOUGH to know how to retrieve data in some way, and to make decisions based on this data: HTML, Javascript and (probably worthless) CSS
Primary Coding Language: None
Non-hacking related skills: I know all parts of a computer, and I am familiar with older systems. I'm also able to solve riddles (thinking outside of the boz)
I could be on your team im not very good but i can hack certain sites like: www.ihatelife.8k.com so i would like to be on the team
To compete in the Web Wars Challenge. I havn't written a mission statement type thing for our team yet, if that's what you are looking for, and when/if I do it will be okayed by all the team members before used. So, beyond competing and doing well in the Web Wars Challenge, I really don't have much of a answer to that question.
Obviously, in the process of competing, we will (hopefully) learn alot- so learning and competing.
Rebirth wrote: just a question, do you guys have anything that is unique to yourselfs. Some teams have tools or private exploits. Do you guys have anything like that (not asking you to disclose it, a simple yes or no will work.)
Not really, I mean, the team is just getting organized (as in, most of the members joined today), so no 'team projects' are underway yet.
np, glad to have ya :)
btw, all, just noticed the link was wrong, a typo. Our team page is http://dcs.drivecsucks.org
alias: fishhead565
I should become a member because: I spend too much time on the computer and need more experience.
Lanugages: Html, Javascript
Proof: <html> <head> <script language="javascript"> <!– function check_it() ( var complete=true' var email_ad=document.fl.em.value; if ((email_ad.indexOf("@")==1) || (email_ad.indexOf(".")==-1)) { alert("Email Address not Valid, please type it again."); complete=false; } return complete } //–> </script> </head> <body> <form name="f1" action="http://site.com/cgi-bin/form.cgi" onSubmit="return check_it();"> Email: <input type="text" name="em"> <P> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form> </body> </html>
Non-related skills- I'm good at math, i take algebra 1 honors in 8th grade, i know the lyrics to like one hundred songs (exageration)
Nickname: Sarah_briarmoss
I should become a member becuase: I really wanna join a team, and I have nothing better to do?
Languages I know SUFFICIANTLY ENOUGH to know how to retrieve data in some way, and to make decisions based on this data: HTML, Javascript, CSS, XSS (is that even a language? I can do it, at least).
Primary Coding Language: HTML/Javascript? Doesn't really count though.
Proof I know primary language (A snippit of 20 lines of code or less will do just fine):
Non- Programming related skills (not necessarily computer-related): I can play ten different instruments, I can tell you the lyrics, guitar tab, bass tab, and drum tab to every Green Day song ever, I can use a computer better then my peers (people like 13-14 years old = my peers), I'm good at Math, I'm smart (third top kid in my year level - 8th grade), I can make computers out of parts (except sometimes I put the wrong screws in and break the harddrive :( ), and there's more, but I think I've written enough :) Oh and I'm a girl. :P
- Sarah
Nickname: pyrodude0303
I should become a member becuase: nothing better to do :P
Languages I know SUFFICIANTLY ENOUGH to know how to retrieve data in some way, and to make decisions based on this data: HTML, Javascript, and some PHP
Primary Coding Language: HTML/Javascript if it counts…
Proof I know primary language (A snippit of 20 lines of code or less will do just fine):
Non- Programming related skills (not necessarily computer-related): i can rub my stomach and pat my head at the same time, and drive my car really well (i do burn outs and such ;))
Nickname: chislam
I should become a member becuase:I want to have fun hacking something that isn't really real (i mean like instead of hacking something real - bad!!lol).
Languages I know SUFFICIANTLY ENOUGH to know how to retrieve data in some way, and to make decisions based on this data: HTML, Javascript, PHP, C++, CSS
Primary Coding Language: Javascript/HTML/PHP
Proof I know primary language (A snippit of 20 lines of code or less will do just fine): PHP: <?php
*login i use for my sites $fp=file("database.txt"); foreach($fp as $account){ $account=rtrim($account); list($username, $password)=split("&*92;t", $account); if (($username==$user)&&($password==$pass)){ echo "logged in"; } }
there is twently or less lines
Non- Programming related skills (not necessarily computer-related):super duper smart ima genius lol my gpa is 4.25. umm i skateboard, surf, play guitar, play pranks and some other stuff like eat and sleep lol.
I should become a member becuase:Im looking for expirience and challenges
Languages I know SUFFICIANTLY ENOUGH to know how to retrieve data in some way, and to make decisions based on this data: HTML,and im learning Javascript
Primary Coding Language:HTML
Proof I know primary language (A snippit of 20 lines of code or less will do just fine):
<title>Welcome to my question:can I join team?</title>
<meta name="description" content="Something"> and so
Non- Programming related skills (not necessarily computer-related): Im playing basketball with my friends and…I dont know anything else :) and one thing that you must know:im new to all this.
Um this is my first post in this forum.
Alias's: bubble on HBH, Rnd Flying Brick on AIM
Languages I know SUFFICIANTLY ENOUGH to know how to retrieve data in some way, and to make decisions based on this data: 1.HTML 2.Javascript 3.C
I want to be on this team to improve my knowledge of computers, get hands on experience with hacking and because I have nothing better to do.
Primary Coding Language: My primary coding language would be C.
Proof I know primary language (A snippit of 20 lines of code or less will do just fine):
A program I wrote to get familiar with working with files: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { system("title Text Viewer"); printf(" This program prints text files to the screen &*92;n&*92;n"); start(); system("PAUSE"); return 0; }
int start() { int what; printf("&*92;n1=quit"); printf("&*92;n2=Read file"); printf("&*92;n3=Write file"); printf("&*92;n4=Edit file"); printf("&*92;nWhat do you want to do:"); scanf("&*92;n%i",&what); if(what==1) return 0; if(what==2) print(); if(what==3) write(); if(what==4) edit();
int print() {
char name[256],file[1000000];
printf("&*92;n&*92;nWhat is the name of the text file to be shown:");
printf("&*92;n&*92;nStarting file copy");
FILE *f;
while (fgets(file,1000000,f)!=NULL)
printf("Ending file copy&*92;n&*92;n");
return start();
int write() { char name[1100]; char input[100]; int stop=1; printf("&*92;n&*92;nWhat is the name of the file to be created:"); scanf("%s",&name); printf("&*92;nType your text:&*92;n&*92;n"); FILE *f; f=fopen(name,"w"); while (stop==1) {
printf("Do you want to stop editing(1=no,2=yes):");
int edit() { char name[256]; printf("&*92;n&*92;nWhat is the name of the file to be edited:"); scanf("%s",name); FILE *f; f=fopen(name,"rw"); while (stop==1) {
printf("Do you want to stop editing(1=no,2=yes):");
I hope I got in.
Woops sorry about the smileys. Didnt think of that.
Right then: I've updated the members list.
*chislam *pyrodude0303 *Sarah_Briarmoss *bubble *H-oLm35 *xizk *barefoot
+Deathrape +HopelessRomanic +cubeman372 +hackman +nanoymaster +netfish
note: new members indicted with *. Unlessss I have sent a PM expaining why you were not accepted (I haven't sent one to anybody) then assume I just haven't gotten to your application yet or i forgot to put you on this list. PM me to figure out which it is.