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Looking to create Intermediate team

eof0100's Avatar
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Hey guys, just joined this site a week ago. I see many beginners here which is what this site is for but I'm looking to create a team With intermediate skills. Anyone interested In working together on hack to root ctf games, Working together on challenges here, and Just get to know each other and share knowledge together.

Anyone interested becoming online friends staying in touch frequently and perhaps Creating a website. To be honest I just want to make close online friends and just have fun With security.

If interested please post your name or alias and your skills, and maybe something about Yourself.

Hope to get to know you guys.

  • eof

Location: \home@Seattle Fav Programming: Python, PHP Skills: Intermediate Best hack: found a sqli in a major website had access to username passwords As well as thousands of credit cards Reported the bug to the admin the site Never revealed the security hole publicly After it's been fixed.

Fun Fact: At 17 I launched a dos attack from my high school To all the district domains. Being totally stupid and
reckless when they tracked down the system it was Coming from library pc, someone saw me and told on Me. Got arrested with criminal computer trespass. According the the courts I caused $400,000 of damage And data loss which was total BS. Got 3 year probation And 300 hours community service. Thank god I was a minor Got banned from all districts had to go to online school. And I'm not proud smart hackers don't get caught.



UPDATE 9/1/16

Really only one reply? Got almost a hundred views and no one interested. Disappointing.

Anyway, best of luck to you all.


Scar0ptics's Avatar
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I was thinking about hosting a challenge on my site where the user would have to build a website from the ground up; then implement SSL and test it on SSL Labs. The user would have to get an "A" on SSL Labs to receive the points.