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New- Need a team to teach me

Soulgrier's Avatar
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Need a helpful team, i just started hacking and i dont know anything really, just wishing that someone would help me, need a good start

starofale's Avatar
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I don't know what kind of "team" you're expecting to find here, but if you just want some people you can ask questions to and talk with, join the IRC.

Connect to irc.psych0tik.net port 6697 and enable SSL. Then join the #hbh channel. Or just connect with Mibbit: http://www.hellboundhackers.org/IRC/pjirc.php

-god-'s Avatar
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Soulgrier wrote: Need a helpful team, i just started hacking and i dont know anything really, just wishing that someone would help me, need a good start

A few people have asked the same question, or very similar, to no avail, nobody's willing to 'teach' somebody as it takes a lot of time to pass on this knowledge.

However, if you have a specific question about one of the challenges, post in the forum or IRC and people will generally help. But don't expect an easy helping hand, we will help if you deserve it (i.e. you've had a fair go at it yourself by looking up articles or asking google first)

If you need any help with a challenge, PM me and i'll try putting you on the right track as best i can.

Arabian's Avatar
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Not just one mentor - this guy needs a team :P

i lol'd.

Night_Stalker's Avatar
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Arabian wrote: Not just one mentor - this guy needs a team :P

i lol'd.

Rofl. I lol'd and just shook my head and face-palmed.

I guess he figured mentor threads never go anywhere, so he'd try a team thread. :o Doesn't make too much sense, but shit, it made me laugh. c: