Starting A C Plus Plus website Need...
I am creating my cpponline site but this time with more than ever before.
What I need is people who can help me create this, Where I don't know how.
- Some one to program a login+ for this site, Effectively.
- Moderators for the sites forum.
- "Pro" programmers in c plus plus, to help with questions that anyone asks
- (Maybe) A chat room for this site where members could talk on the site.
- Assistant web-designer.
- more added later.
If you would like to help, Pm me or e-mail me.
yours31f wrote: ahh, ok so im the chicken that came before the egg.
Let me put it this way; lets say we have a timeline, we'll call that timeline "a". In this timeline, we have three main points, we have point "X", when you start to learn the language C++, and we have point "Y", when you have accumulated much knowledge about said language, enough knowledge to start teaching people about it. Finally, we have point "Z", that is when you create a website to teach people.
Now, listen carefully, I'm only going to say this five times: You are mixing up your times.
You, are mixing up your times. You are mixing up, your times. You, are, mixing, up, your, times.