well i got part of it !spoiler! v3 shud be equal to c + 000ee and it says if input is not equal to v3 && e4 then show its wrong which means we need to satisfy e3 and v4 and e3 = c000ee and v4 jus means to capitalize it so the pass shud be C000EE but it doesnt wurk for me
sry dont know how to hiide spoilers
EDIT- i figured it out yay i wuz injectin at the index because i wuz always redirected when i tried to view the source to find out what to inject but i figured it out now
this will help explain how the substrings work therefore you will hopefully get the password.. http://www.hellboundhackers.org/articlecomments.php?article_id=161
Well, I asked a question but the forums have been kicked back, so I'll ask it again.
I understand substrings and how they work etc, though there is something about this mission I am unsure of. The s1 and a1 values:
Do these correspond to the actual values you must develop your password from, or are they telling you where to find the values. I noticed there are values within body tags of bgcolor and link, so do we use these values or the precise values listed above. I hope I explained that well enough.
Either way, are punctuation or special characters in general included when calculating or not?
Arg stupid mission s1=bgcolor=#D0D0D0 a2=linkcolor=#FF9900 v3=s1.substring (6,9)+a2.substring (2,8) im not getting this i read the sub string article and i dont under stand. in the first one we are pulling 6 through 9 on bg/and 2 through 8 on linkcolor, but wait! in the srcipt it just says link theres no color there just link so i think to my self what a wonderful world? no i think bgcolor(value)+link(value)+the color value again…huh? or am i a stupid newb(and is just rambling on)<ignore this> but what i am trying to say is i dont get how you could pull lines 6,9 on bg from what i count i can only pull 7 but if i make the starting value 0 then i can only pull 6 of the values from bg color………urgh forgive me i read over that and i sound like a dumbass…i need some help urhg
s1=window|.do|cument.bgColor; a2=wi|ndow.d|ocument.linkColor;
v3=s1.substring (6,9)+a2.substring (2,8); e4=v3.toUpperCase ();
alright… so i take letters 6-9 from s1 and 2-8 from a2? i end up with .dondow.d and when i make it caps it stilled doesnt work am i at kleast going the right way? [edit] i also tried to take the 6th 9th 2nd and 8th letters and got "woid". is that even close?
[MEGA EDIT] ok i dunno how all this substring stuff works but there's another way to do it. hint- in order to go to the page where your points are, you have to enter the correct password. if you enter the wrong password, you'll get an error message. Maybe there's a way to change the page so you never need to find out the real password. MAYBE you can change it so it gives you points for putting in the… GASP WRONG password.
ok lets its thinky time! ..ok now, from fagitz hint we know to disregaurd the substring done! ok but we still need the some sort of value. these are bgcolor and linkcolor bgcolor="D0D0D0 link=#FF9900 but then what dose (6,9) and (2,8) mean? and if im not on the right track then well…..lol i dont know! i spend most of my time at school trying to figue this one out have it written down and every thing hmmm "Im preaty smart" yah as smart as a rock! but yes i fail to see this one and when i do i know it will be somthing really retarted and we will all hate ourself for not noticing and stuff and stuff ect so dont worry people it will all work out sooner or later and we can be retarted to geather Yaaaa!:p Opps i was rambling on sorry ^^
fagitz wrote: Urghhhh, stop figuring out the substrings (which, by the way, could easily be calculated by JS). How can you satisfy a lower case answer as well as an upper case answer? You're barking up the wrong tree.
well u cant…unless you use numbers cause they are neither uppercase or lower case. soooo wud you put the pass into binary?
urgh i may be far from beating this i have a clue, well at lease i think its one. Ok now correct me if im wrong (freaking HELP!) but the 2 lines s1=window.document.bgColor; a2=window.document.linkColor; focus on bgcolor="#D0D0D0" and the link color witch is link="#FF9900" right? (OH GOD PLZ HELP!) now after some time like some of you guys we realize the code #D0D0D0 is really a color! so is the link code! http://www.acc.umu.se/~widmark/lwbgcolo.html(to see what i mean input the code D0D0D0 to see its changes the color of the page and what not. Now ive found a hex chart for the colors but its not working out right now :( ) am i even on the right track? or am i far from it insert feed back here please! :)
well i don't understand how i'm supposed to inject something into the page in the state that it's in… so sod that for now.
And I kinda understand substrings. but how can the (6,9) or (2,8) be possible when the s1 and a2 have only seven characters? Or am i to use the entire 'window.document.bgColor'?
[edit:] well i managed to inject javascript to give me s1+a2… will now play..
note: the result i get from the javascript injection is different from what it says in the pages source… is this right?
Just some Javascript in general. Do you know how to alert variables? alert(var) –> Alerts the variable called "var" from the document. alert("var") –> Alerts the letters "var" instead of searching for a variable.
I pretty much gave it away now. The javascript lvl 7 creator isn't the only one who can use javascript..
(If this contains too many spoilers I am very sorry - edit away)
Hah, completed at last. Thanks to the help I got from oOJINxOo.
Personally I think learning substrings to complete this mission is not a bad idea. Yes, it's easier to inject some javascript to give you the answer, but I understand how substrings work now, and how It came to the answer it did. You people should be ashamed at teliing others not to learn!