Welcome to HBH! If you have tried to register and didn't get a verification email, please using the following link to resend the verification email.
:::::JavaScript 6 Help Please::::
Ok, I am stuck now. I don't even see the password. I tryed what seems about everything. I even copyed the loaction so you don't have to do to much work.=P
<script language="Javascript">
function checkPass(){
Location = document.form.password.value
Location = "js6-" + "window.open" + ".php"
if (document.form.password.value == Location ) {
alert("Good Job!")
alert("Try Again!")
<form name="form">
<p align="center">Password: <input type="text" name="password" value="">
<input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="return checkPass()">
Thanks in Advanced.