Javascript 4
Well I didn't think this one would make me post for some help, but I've trolled through all 6 pages and read all of the JS4 posts (even one with a pretty big spoiler). I am not sure what I'm doing wrong here, but it must be something very minor.
I have read a ton of articles on XSS and Javascript Injections, and I am injecting the hell out of this challenge, but I'm not getting anything.
Can someone PM me or something that can help?
longtail wrote: i dont still get it what should i do with the 'use me' button….i used firebug to view its coding..the action is empty…am i supposed to do something there?
I used FireBug too. You're wasting your time with editing the "action" part, just look at the "value" part (Use this) and combine it with XSS. If you still don't get it, you can PM me. ;)