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ghost's Avatar
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Me and other 4 people (among them is 1 who already passed it and knows the correct answer) can't pass it. Is it a bug?:o

ghost's Avatar
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It's not down. I just tested it, and it worked fine for me.

ghost's Avatar
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I don't know what to do anymore then.:@

ghost's Avatar
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I think you know about the secret so Here is a good decrypter: http://www.yellowpipe.com/yis/tools/encrypter/index.php The result will be crappy text. Hint: it will start with Ý and end in þ. Put that in the pw box i've already beat it but forgot how. Ill post a tip to the second part in a min

ghost's Avatar
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Yeah,I used that and I can't get new_secret. I know it's value but even though I put that still nothing.

ghost's Avatar
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I can get to the new secret, but I noticed it is nearly identical to the first. It decrypts the same as the first, too… I have to admit, I just dont get it.

ghost's Avatar
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kgee - so maybe just try something you wouldnt expect :)