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I don't know how or why this is happening, but I notice these random Q's in the forums.. A few weeks ago, it was happening quite frequently, but now I only see it every once in a while.

An example of what I'm talking about is something like this:

"Hey everybody! How are you guys?Q"

Anybody know what's going on?

ghost's Avatar
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it's something to do with question marks… php bug or something? or an "unexpected feature" lol…

on a side note, almost everyone's points just got wiped for some reason haha… cheese is supposed to be restoring them to oct 4

spyware's Avatar
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Double ? = Q

SySTeM's Avatar
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I checked part of the fusion core file and it str_replace's two ?'s with Q, no idea why though :-\

ghost's Avatar
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interesting… very interesting… :ninja:

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system_meltdown wrote: I checked part of the fusion core file and it str_replace's two ?'s with Q, no idea why though :-\

Maybe it's an innate noob defense system. :D

(x>1) * ? != 1337