c++ bios simulator
dancuc wrote: "programming gui app in da console"
C++ doesnt have a standard graphics library. But you can always use some external libraries for that purpose(Allegro, OpenGL and DirectX are the ones I know of). If you're using Visual C++ then its a bit easier as it already has OpenGL included. Google for some OpenGL tutorials.
P.S. It'd be smart to write which OS you are using and the compiler. ( windows, linux, solaris, *BSD, … ; VCC, GCC, … )
JohnDoe wrote:
C++ doesnt have a standard graphics library. But you can always use some external libraries for that purpose(Allegro, OpenGL and DirectX are the ones I know of). If you're using Visual C++ then its a bit easier as it already has OpenGL included. Google for some OpenGL tutorials.
P.S. It'd be smart to write which OS you are using and the compiler. ( windows, linux, solaris, *BSD, … ; VCC, GCC, … )
Also Borland is powerful.
you will be able to use textbackground(); etc…
Or use, markupSetConsoleTextAttribute(hcon,color);, setcolor (x);
JohnDoe wrote:
C++ doesnt have a standard graphics library. But you can always use some external libraries for that purpose(Allegro, OpenGL and DirectX are the ones I know of). If you're using Visual C++ then its a bit easier as it already has OpenGL included. Google for some OpenGL tutorials.
That would be wise for graphics in a graphic OS, but (correct me if I'm wrong) I don't think it would be usable for graphics in, say windows commandline.
Id suggest opengl, so here we go…
I found a tut for installing
opengl on dev-cpp:
Some common errors explained: (similar to above) http://www.cs.uleth.ca/~wismath/cs3710/b.txt
Tutorial on using opengl: http://nehe.gamedev.net/lesson.asp?index=01
Understanding opengl will probably be hard at the begging so dont quit! ;)
OpenGL and Direct3D are both used for Graphics Driver. If i had to choose, I'll choose DirectX, DirectX is a "proprietary API" designed and developed by Microsoft. Its more Powerful, Faster, and Works under Windows Platform. Its just for 3D Acceleration. OpenGL is just a standard for 3D/2D Graphics. Also OpenGL is available for most operating systems - Unlike DirectX -.
References : Comparison Of OpenGL and Direct3D Microsoft OpenGL
For Performance, I suggest DirectX.
<edit> Some other useful links : DirectX: http://www.gamedev.net/reference/programming/features/gui/ http://msdn.microsoft.com/directx/ http://www.codesampler.com/dx9src.htm http://www.hotscripts.com/Detailed/11709.html http://www2.arnes.si/~ssdudzin/ http://scorpioncity.com/djdirectxtut.html
OpenGL: http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/opengl_introduction.html http://www.nigels.com/glt/ http://www.gantless.com/borland.html (borland). http://cone3d.gamedev.net/cgi-bin/index.pl?page=tutorials/ogladv/index
- Mido - </edit> Hope that helped.
richohealey wrote: i think what he's getting at is more the ncurses library, for an irssi style interface.
Correct me if i'm wrong.
I have to agree. The OP is asking for tips on creating a graphical interface in the console; in other words, he wants a text-based menu system like the old DOS menus. OpenGL and DirectX, while they could simulate such an environment, cannot create that environment natively.
So, I second the idea of researching the ncurses library.