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Visual Basics for Ubuntu?

ghost's Avatar
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Ok, right now I am learning c++. But until then, is there any programming languages or is it possible to program visual basics with ubuntu.

Please and thank you's!

ghost's Avatar
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As you most likely know VB is windows only, although if you use the wine application you can run a large number of VB programs on *nix. According to wine's appdb VB6 (the IDE) also works through wine (minus some ActiveX controls). Of course coding in C++ or Java would just be a much better solution.

If you were talking about VB.NET (or any .NET), then look at the mono project to run those applications on *nix.

ghost's Avatar
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realBASIC is cross-platform, but you can compile programs for windows and Linux only in the paid-for version (which sucks)

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i suggest you install windows xp IN Ubuntu, there is a program to do that, but i dont remember what :S, but i dont think all ActiveX plugins works with that…