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Control trojan with msn messenger

Acin's Avatar
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I have been working on a Trojan in vb.net for a while. I wonder, is it possible to make the trojan execute commands that are sent trough messenger? For example if I sent "hi" to the person logged on the infected computer the trojan would read the message and turn off the computer or something like that.

ghost's Avatar
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You'd have to code it to listen to MSN traffic (and decode it) but I guess in theory it could be done.

Acin's Avatar
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I am not very experienced in vb.net…yet. Could you please give me a little starters help?

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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in VB theres a libary you can stick into your project that will give you msn functions.

google for a bit on vb and msn control and you'll get some good information.

hopefully they'll be something similar in vb.net

Acin's Avatar
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I have tried using the messenger api earlier. But I can't seem to find a way to use it to this purpose. Do anyone have some experience with the API?