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HTML/PHP form problems?

ghost's Avatar
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Can someone tell me why this PHP script won't detect when the form is submitted?

<div id='main'>



if ( isset( $_POST['regusername'] ) && isset( $_POST['regpassword'] ) && ( $_POST['password'] == $_POST['password2'] ) )
	if ( Register( $_POST['regusername'], $_POST['regpassword'] ) )
		echo "<p>Registered successfully, try logging in now</p>";
		echo "<p>Registration appeared to fail</p>";

<form action='' method='post'>

<label for='regusername'>Desired Username (max 20 chars)</label>
<input type='text' id='regusername' maxlength='20' />

<label for='regpassword'>Desired Password (max 20 chars)</label>
<input type='password' id='regpassword' maxlength='20' />

<label for='regpassword2'>Repeat password</label>
<input type='password' id='regpassword2' maxlength='20' />

<input type='submit' id='regsubmit' value='Register'/>




I've tried just used "if ( isset( $_POST['regsubmit'] ) )" and that doesn't work either… it just always displays he form and never the paragraphs for registering successfully/unsuccessfully

SySTeM's Avatar
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( $_POST['password'] == $_POST['password2'] ) should be: ( $_POST['regpassword'] == $_POST['regpassword2'] )

ghost's Avatar
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system_meltdown wrote: ( $_POST['password'] == $_POST['password2'] ) should be: ( $_POST['regpassword'] == $_POST['regpassword2'] )

Yeah but that still doesn't work… it also doesn't work if I just use "if ( isset( $_POST['regsubmit'] ) )"

ghost's Avatar
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That's because you aren't actually putting those values in the $_POST array because you haven't assigned them names. To solve this just add in name="regusername" etc. in your input attributes.


ghost's Avatar
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Added in the name attributes… Still doesn't work (and I think the ID attribute can be used as a replacement for the name attribute

ghost's Avatar
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Well I just tested on my server and it works. Hopefully you changed the previous error mentioned by system_meltdown as well. If you want me to explain in further detail PM me.

P.S. - Here is the slightly adjusted code I used.

<div id='main'>



if ( isset( $_POST['regusername'] ) && isset( $_POST['regpassword'] ) && ( $_POST['regpassword'] == $_POST['regpassword2'] ) )
//have to take out because I do not have your Register function
//if ( Register( $_POST['regusername'], $_POST['regpassword'] ) )
echo "<p>Registered successfully, try logging in now</p>";
echo "<p>Registration appeared to fail</p>";

<form action='' method='post'>

<label for='regusername'>Desired Username (max 20 chars)</label>
<input type='text' name='regusername' maxlength='20' />

<label for='regpassword'>Desired Password (max 20 chars)</label>
<input type='password' name='regpassword' maxlength='20' />

<label for='regpassword2'>Repeat password</label>
<input type='password' name='regpassword2' maxlength='20' />

<input type='submit' name='regsubmit' value='Register'/>





AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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All is well that is simple as shit…

<div id='main'>



if ( isset($_POST['regsub'] && isset( $_POST['regun'] ) && isset( $_POST['regpwd'] ) && ( $_POST['regpwd'] == $_POST['regpwd2'] ) ){
  //I take it you have set up a Register command to input this into your DB
  if ( Register( $_POST['regun'], $_POST['regpwd'] ) ){
    echo "<p>Registered successfully, try logging in now</p>";
    echo "<p>Registration appeared to fail</p>";

<form action='' method='post'>
  <p />
  <label for='regun'>Desired Username (max 20 chars)</label>
  <input type='text' name='regun' maxlength='20' />
  <p />
  <label for='regpwd'>Desired Password (max 20 chars)</label>
  <input type='password' name='regpwd' maxlength='20' />
  <p />
  <label for='regpwd2'>Repeat password</label>
  <input type='password' name='regpwd2' maxlength='20' />
  <p />
  <input type='submit' name='regsub' value='Register'/>

<? } ?>


I know a lot of this change is nit pickey layout and simplifying shit but that helps trust me…when you have 5000 lines of code to go through and you have to type regpassword all the time instead of regpwd it makes a difference. you will thank me for short hand soon enough :evil:

I do have a CMS that I could send you a skeleton for if you like. Just let me know.

ghost's Avatar
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Got it to work eventually… but have no idea what I did… I didn't seem to actually change anything… I decided to echo the POST vars, all 3 of them… And then suddenly it worked… it now works without having to echo them

EDIT: @Aldar: Yeah If you can send it to me I'd be grateful, I can now get a shoutbox and blogging thingy for main page… But don't really know where to go from here, and how to do the harder stuff

ghost's Avatar
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Personally, when I was learning I'd do my forms like this

if ( isset ( $_POST ) )
print_r ( $_POST );
} else {
echo "<!-- FORM -->";

ghost's Avatar
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mozzer wrote: Personally, when I was learning I'd do my forms like this

if ( isset ( $_POST ) )
print_r ( $_POST );
} else {
echo "<!-- FORM -->";
Personally I don't see the point in echoing html unnecessarily.
} else {
<!-- form -->
<?php } ?>
