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PHP ... Last Question
why doesn't this code work… it only does whats in the else… i have a js1 row setup in my site_users and its a smallint in the database… it only does the else stuff.. even if the row is = to 5… so someone tell me why this isn't working please!!
<? $result = dbquery("select * from site_users where user_id=".$userdata['user_id']); if ($result['js1'] == '5') { echo "ERROR: You've Already Done This!"; } else { $rr = dbquery('update '.$db_prefix.'users set js1=5 where user_id='.$userdata['user_id'].' limit 1;'); $rrr = dbquery('update '.$db_prefix.'users set user_points=user_points+3 where user_id='.$userdata['user_id'].' limit 1;'); } ?>