Best Programming Language
Is there a good programming language that isn't too hard to start up with and will help me learn other programming languages. The only programming language that I definatley will not take is anything that has to do with Basic (such as TrueBasic) and AppleScript. I have personal reasons why I will not learn that language (such as ApplesScript sucking).
This always annoys me when people ask this question. The main reason for this is that there is no easy answer. I mean if you feel like learning the logic of program flow use something like python. If you want to be able to make a pretty GUI quickly use Java. If you want an all round language then maybe try something more commonly accepted like C++. Depending on your ability to pick up a language depends on the language which will suit you. My suggestion would be Python –> C++ –> The possibilities are endless
/me rolls eyes,
As many experianced forum users have now guessed, this can easily, and probobly will, become a fan boy flame war. Everyone has their own fave, and therefore everyone will say that theirs is best.
One of the big things is: How do you define a programming language? Only programming, or what about scripting, or markup languages?
Personally I would go with: HTML XML (Just the basics) Java Python C#
In that order. Depending on what you want to do then you can learn more of one language and less of another or a ton of them all, or whatever you think. And since you said it, and I know where your coming from, I can tell you are going to hate it, but the bare bones knowledge of visual Basic has never hurt anyone.
Hope this helps, NC
I still can't believe anyone would reccomend VB.. :right: It makes me lose all hope in the future of HBH programming members. VB teaches bad coding techniques, horrible syntax, is slow, severely lacks power, limited amount of resources and is for lazy people who want to look l33t and make a GUI. If thinking about something along the lines of C++ or Java, well than choose C, learn procedural programming first and I guarentee you that you will be better off than most people.
Cheers, ~T:ninja:
only_samurai wrote: well, you were right neo_chalchuls…..looks like it is flaming time. im sorry we cant all be as 1337 at you are T-metal. thats were ill leave this. these forums should be CONTSTUCTIVE.
No offense, but I have to agree with T-Metal. VB isn't entirely something I would recommend, in fact, I'd recommend against it.
The easiest, and probably most beneficial language for a beginner to learn would be Java, hands down. I'd then proceed to C++ for some pointers (Pun'd), and head off to ASM-land.
About the whole VisBasic thing, I didn't say learn visual basic to learn to program with it…I use C# most of the time myself, but SO many things are made in VisBase it is amazing…and since the people on this site may <ahem> look at some source for educational purposes </ahem> it may be a good thing to learn. I personally dislike VB, but I know it…and if you are a procrastonator like me…and you have a dumb ass computer project due in a class in 12 hours then at least VisBase can get the job done…quality and range of functionality is another topic… I would suggest those I said in my last post so that he can be a good hacker and programmer at the same time…those are the ones people use, and the ones I use…it is only a matter of opinion…lol, man guys don't get so worked up….it's only a friggen compiler and notepad…lol :D NC