Batch help
I think I fixed it:
@echo off echo The Matrix has you… pause cls echo Prepare for a journey in to the cyber world… pause cls color 0A echo Welcome to the Matrix… pause cls echo Now it is time for you to choose: pause cls echo Take the red pill, or take the blue? pause echo. echo If you wish the blue pill, type blue, if you want to continue, type red. pause set /p color=Pick the right pill: if %color% equ blue goto blue if %color% equ red goto red
:red cls echo You have chosen the right path. pause echo Let us continue our journey.. pause cls echo Are you ready? set /p ansr1=(y or n) if %ansr1% equ y goto y if %ansr1% equ n goto n
:blue cls echo Wrong path pause echo You will now forget everything that has just happened. pause exit
:y cls echo Good, lets continue pause ////Didnt get too far here yet////
:n cls echo I guess you arent ready yet.. pause echo So now you are ready? set /p ansr2=(y or n) if %ansr2% equ y goto y if %ansr2% equ n goto n