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C++ code to wright a bat file

ghost's Avatar
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Can someone tell me how to do a program that make a bat file and wright some code in it.

Please make a little example of code here in the Thread.


hust921's Avatar
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#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int main()
  ofstream Fil("something.bat", ios::app);
  Fil<<"@echo off"<<endl;
  Fil<<"echo Hallo,world"<<endl;
  return 0;

This code will make a batch file look like this:

@echo off
echo Hello, world


ghost's Avatar
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ok thanx so mutch :)

ghost's Avatar
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You also could skip the batch file. if all your trying to do is execute commands try system(commandhere); example:

int main() { system("ping nsa.gov"); }


ghost's Avatar
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read my tutorial on c++ system commands