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game programming

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I allways wanted to program a (simple) game, but i never had time for it, untill now ^_^ i've only got some problems/ questions:

1: i have googled for tutorials on programming a game engine, but it only gave links to existing engines and tutorials on how to use em. so, does any1 know a tutorial about this (preferably c++)? 2: im planning to use c++, sdl and opengl. are these good/bad/other…?? 3: any (good!!!!) links to sdl/opengl (mayb c++, but i already got a lot of sites on that one) tutorials would be appreciated :D:happy: 4: any other tips/experiences/help?

thnx, N1315

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Well, I personally think that Java should be used instead if you want to make a game, simply easier in my opinion. I would be glad to help you code one in Java. I could help in C++ as I do know that language as well, however I am not sure how well with Graphics and what not with C++. Only made cmd exe's with C++. let me know whats up

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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making a games engine is a stupid amount of work. you could be working for more than 6 months just to get a simple games engine with particle systems etc.

but if you do want to go ahead with it, you'll need C++ and you'll have to learn how to program with it using direct X and open GL (thats if you want a non text based game).

Visual Basic can also accomodate directX programming too.

but i'd suggest using a pre-made games engine and just modding it or using that to script your own simple game. Perhaps try using Dark Basic (i think thats the name), its a simple games engine that you can mod to make your own games. pretty decent games too.

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Amen cheese, making your own game engine is only worth it if you're really serious about your game (wanna sell it or sumfing)…

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"Game programming in c++ for beginners" is a really good book

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Well you can make a game with almost everything that can include programming. Just to show you how vast it is … i've done a pacman game in Excel and a RPG Game for IRC … The only thing that should guide your choice is what you need for it (3D game? 2D game? Text Based?) . If you want to do something more complexe and not text base C++ should be good.

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lets not forget Q-Basic!!

i use to make some pretty rad games in Q-basic… back in the days :)

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@ blumoose and mr_cheese: i know its a lot of work and takes a lot of time, but i dont rly care about that. its just for fun and the engine doesnt have to be crytec like :P its kind of my way to learn c++ ….. btw, a friend of me has programmed a simple engine before and is gonna give me the code, so i can look it through and edit it

@ chislam: if you want to check my code and help me with some problems, i would rly appriciate that (btw, this can take a while, im not so fast :P)

@ a-hack: im gonna c if i can find that book, thnx

btw, the game is supposed to become 3d and the characters are gonna be cilinders, cubes and pawns (:happy: ) very simple… i also have found a good site about game programming, c++, opengl and sdl, if anyone is interested: nehe.gamedev.net

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QBASIC all the way, simplest language ever…

And "C++ Game Programming For Begginers" (or w/e its called) is more of an introduction to c++, its what I'm learning c++ from…

AldarHawk's Avatar
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one of the most used game programing languages right now is C#

It is used in games such as EverQuest, Ultima Online and more.

Learn that language (close the C++) and then you can get the directX stuff down a little better.

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whats the main difference between c# and c++??

bl4ckc4t's Avatar
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C# rocks.

Ive been working with it for about 2 weeks and already have a fairly basic understanding of it. I've also been making decent programs with it.

I would say C# if its a simple game, C if you want a cross-platform and C++ if you want a totally modded out game.

Wolfenstein-Enemy Territory is programmed in C, its a 3D game and it rocks. Open source too, if you wanna look at that and see if you can get ideas. http://www.3dgamers.com/news/more/1075251853/ Bl4ckC4t

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I design simple games with "Game Maker". It's really nice software, comes with its own (easy to learn) programming language. There is a REALLY active forum located here: forums.gamemaker.nl

The software can be downloaded free of charge in here: www.gamemaker.nl.

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bl4ckc4t wrote: Wolfenstein-Enemy Territory is programmed in C, its a 3D game and it rocks. Open source too, if you wanna look at that and see if you can get ideas. http://www.3dgamers.com/news/more/1075251853/ Bl4ckC4t

ty, gonna have a look on that 1 to

@spyware: i know some of those programs and yes, thats much easier, but i just want to program in a "real" programming language (also to learn c#/c++ ) btw, cker nederlands? ;)

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bl4ckc4t wrote: Wolfenstein-Enemy Territory is programmed in C, its a 3D game and it rocks. Open source too, if you wanna look at that and see if you can get ideas. http://www.3dgamers.com/news/more/1075251853/ Bl4ckC4t N1315 wrote: ty, gonna have a look on that 1 to

@spyware: i know some of those programs and yes, thats much easier, but i just want to program in a "real" programming language (also to learn c#/c++ ) btw, cker nederlands? ;)

heh. Ja inderdaad ;) Anyway: Game Maker is not "one of those.." programs. It goes beyond any game-design program I know. It uses scripts/dll files and more. It's not copy 'n paste.

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you can make games in any language, but obviously some are more suited then others, most of the proffesional games are made in c++ with direct x, and if your seriouse this is the one that is capible of the best games, but by far the hardest aswell, if this is more of a one of hing you planning to do, then i defiantly recomen darkbasic profesional, its a very easy language to pick up and learn, and its designed for games, the site is www.thegamecreators.com, or for a stupidly easy fps game, check out FPSC (first person shooter creator), on the same site.

some good free modeling packages are milkshape, great free modeling and animation package ;) or download 3dsmax8 ;) hard to get used to but is the best in its field,help this helps :D

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sorry, double post :@

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that milkshape looks good, certainly gonna try that one :D