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Explorer batch

hust921's Avatar
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@echo off
move explorer2.exe C:/windows
start reg
cd ../../../../../../../windows
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
start explorer2.exe

This code shoot change the start bottom.. Someone know how to get this work?

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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what on earth is that.

probably the worst attempt at a bat file i've seen.

whats all the ../../../../ there for? why isnt the reg command entered properly? what is explorer2.exe?

hust921's Avatar
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The "../../../" is if you open the batch on the desktop or in a folder in a folder in folder on the desktop ^^ so it goes back to C: and in to Windows.

The "Reg" Is a Exportet file from Regedit with the Shell on explorer2.exe

Explorer2.exe is a Nomal Explorer just that the start bottom stands now: "Hacked"

bl4ckc4t's Avatar
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hust921 wrote:

@echo off
move explorer2.exe C:/windows
start reg
cd ../../../../../../../windows
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
start explorer2.exe

This code shoot change the start bottom.. Someone know how to get this work? First of all, you cant change the start button without actually exploring explorer.exe with a hex editor.

hust921 wrote: The "../../../" is if you open the batch on the desktop or in a folder in a folder in folder on the desktop ^^ so it goes back to C: and in to Windows.

The "Reg" Is a Exportet file from Regedit with the Shell on explorer2.exe

Explorer2.exe is a Nomal Explorer just that the start bottom stands now: "Hacked"

Second of all, the "cd ../../../../../../../windows" will render invalid syntax. You should use cd C:\WINDOWS Third of all, the reg command isnt even a command - you want regedit, but THAT wont work to change the start button.

Not to flame you, but the next time you attempt a batch, make sure you have learned a little about the command prompt.

PS Get a hex editor and follow http://hellboundhackers.org/readarticle.php?article_id=191 A Little more carefully, it DOESNT say to use a batch.

Think about it, If I hadnt said all this, you could have screwed up your O/S.


hust921's Avatar
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i have edit the explorer and calet it explorer2.exe. "start reg" reg is just the name of the .reg file i have exportet from the regedit.

ghost's Avatar
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You should use

cd %WINDIR%/

hust921's Avatar
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