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PHP scripts
what do you mean, KnuTrainer? All you need (to join the IRC server, then a channel) is:
// Create the Socket
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,SOL_TCP);
// Connect to HBH ircServer
$connection = socket_connect($socket,'irc.hackersfoundation.org',6667);
// Send the Username to HBH ircServer
socket_write($socket,"USER RHAP RHAP RHAP :RHAP&*92;r&*92;n");
// Change our nickname
socket_write($socket,"NICK KnuTrainer &*92;r&*92;n");
// Join the channel
socket_write($socket,"JOIN *HBH &*92;r&*92;n"); Connected!
// read whatever IRC is telling us
while($data = socket_read($socket,2046))
echo $data;
Yeah, CMS's are a good thing to code. Especially if you can make them as easiest as possible for whoever is using them. However lol the easier for the user, the harder for the coder lol. If you get to confused with trying to make a CMS, maybe try making Login's and other things that you can make PHP interact with SQL.