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PHP scripts

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I was wondering what you coded as your first script with php. I'm not talking about hello world or some maths sum etc

I mean a port scanner, a cookie stealer etc.

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I am working on an IRC bot that currently won't login because I don't have enough "parameters". But that is what I am working on.

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I dunno what mine is I usually have several projects on the go at any one time

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Hey I'm making an IRC bot too! :D and I'm trying to make a massive CMS/User management thingy ;)

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A massive CMS/User thing? Does it use modules etc?

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what do you mean, KnuTrainer? All you need (to join the IRC server, then a channel) is:

// Create the Socket
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,SOL_TCP); 
// Connect to HBH ircServer
$connection = socket_connect($socket,'irc.hackersfoundation.org',6667); 
// Send the Username to HBH ircServer
socket_write($socket,"USER RHAP RHAP RHAP :RHAP&*92;r&*92;n"); 
// Change our nickname
socket_write($socket,"NICK KnuTrainer &*92;r&*92;n"); 
// Join the channel 
socket_write($socket,"JOIN *HBH &*92;r&*92;n"); Connected!
// read whatever IRC is telling us
while($data = socket_read($socket,2046)) 
echo $data;

ghost's Avatar
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man i dont even know where to start or how to apply these thigns…you people amaze me.

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The first thing i made (yesterday) using PHP was a Database which stores various information for a text-based MMORPG that doesn't seem likely to happen as i'm learning as i go along…

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One of the best thing to make as your first script is probably a CMS, you'll learn to use PHP and SQL.

ghost's Avatar
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Yeah, CMS's are a good thing to code. Especially if you can make them as easiest as possible for whoever is using them. However lol the easier for the user, the harder for the coder lol. If you get to confused with trying to make a CMS, maybe try making Login's and other things that you can make PHP interact with SQL.

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The thing about coding CMSs is that the basics are easy but once you start trying to make modules etc it gets really complicated. Especially themes

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The thing I coded first (exept for math sums and book examples) was a user login system. First I let the script read from a .txt file to check the login, worked with cookies and sessions, then I updated it to a MySQL database :)

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First major thing I coded was a forum. Then I lost my webspace due to not logging in for ages and hadn't backed it up. Kinda pissed me off.

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An IRC bot, am still working on it.

Did not someone code a PHP bot for the competition?

Has any one else coded a PHP IRC bot?


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My first proper script was a login that had to be modified for new users (all the users/passes were kept in the script), then I made a MySQL version, and just today I added sessions.