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PHP/MySQL admin panel

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I am making an admin panel for a site that will be able to add news and other things. I'm somewhat new to PHP and MySQL so i'm not sure what the
"right way" to do certain things are. So i have a few questions: -Is it better to have a seperate page for all the different editing options, like a delete script, an add script, and an edit script, or one script that does any of these things using the if and else commands? -Is it better to have a seperate page for the POST form, or have the script check if its set then echo it if it isn't? -Does anyone know of an easy way to make a page with a GET string in the url a default page, example: index.php?page=news? Besides checking if it is set.

Thank you to anyone who spends the time to help me. when i am finished i am going to right an article on how to do this.

ghost's Avatar
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Errm, same page, use GET. You don't need default. ie


Options {link to}


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Thanks. When i display data from my table it says 'Resource*3' before it. Does anyone know why or how to stop it?