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perl url checker

ghost's Avatar
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I was trying to make a url checker in perl and now im completely lost

$url = "http://www.hellboundhackers.org/challenges/real2/backups/backup_2004-09-$day_$hour00.sql";

$day = 1;
$hour = 1;

use LWP::Simple;
print $day, " ", $hour, "\n";
$hour = $hour + 1;
      if($hour == 24)
      $day = $day + 1;
      $hour = 1;
      if($day = 1||2||3||4||5||6||7||8||9)
      $day = "$day";
      if($hour = 1||2||3||4||5||6||7||8||9)
      $hour = "$hour0";
      if($day == 31)
my $check = get $url;
print "THE URL ", $url, " IS NOT EMPTY";```

The problem is that it wont increment the day or hour variables and it wont add them to the URL

ghost's Avatar
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I fixed up the day and hour, but i still cant add them to the URL, someone help please

n3w7yp3's Avatar
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You have to use string concaticnation. Its done with the '.'. So, to add them into the URL, try:

"(insert URL here)" . $whatever . $whatever . ".php"

A mate of mine actually had code to solve this that was very similar to yours… I told him the same thing and it worked.


ghost's Avatar
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but also, can perl read .sql files cause if not…..

ghost's Avatar
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but also, can perl read .sql files cause if not…..

n3w7yp3's Avatar
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Your code is not reading *sql files, itrs merlely checking for their existance.

While I have never seen a *.sql files, I'm sure that its possible to parse it with Perl. Even if its not ASCII, just chuck Perl into binmode and have it parse it then.