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Apache setup help?

theSheWolf's Avatar
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So, I\'ve been trying for like 8 hours straight, to setup apache for php/mysql and it\'s not working. im suppose to save stuff in the htdocs and it\'s suppose to add to the files on the server…something like that. the basic idea is, if i save a file called hello.php in htdocs file im supppose to be able to go to localhost/hello.php and should see the hello.php file. It did work,, but then somehow i messed up the httpd.conf file and had to repair it, after i repair, it the htdocs thing didn\'t work anymore. please help.

Euforia33's Avatar
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When you say repair, do you mean that you replaced it with the backup httpd.conf file? If so, did you remember to set the path correctly in the document directory?

theSheWolf's Avatar
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i went to the installer and the installer gives u the option to uninstall, install, or repair so i clicked repiar and it gave me a new httpd.conf. And I dunno about pointing stuff to the right file or whatever…

Euforia33's Avatar
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Well you can use wordpad to quickly check if the path is correct, just open the conf file with wordpad and search for \"DocumentRoot\". Make sure the path is set to where your htdocs folder is.

dami3n's Avatar
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I am assuming your doing this on a windows machine. To be quite honest with you this is not the easiest thing in the world to install and can throw up quite a few problems.

I tried doing it on linux first everything works just doesnt seem to run php… so I thought id set it up on a vmware copy of windows.

Here is a link that can help you


they offer a PHP and mysql tutorial aswell. Can be a pain. If you are having problems editing the httpdocs find the file right click it and do the following:

Right click the item and click properties. Go to security settings. Its one of the tabs at the top click on edit. add a new user. Inside this box type your username e.g \\\"root\\\". Now under your user \\\"root\\\" click allow everything. Apply close.

Edit file.

If you ever have any problems with it just do a fresh install mate. To much messing around delete it unistall it wipe the dirs and do it again. You can save the PHP files and drop them in when you reinstall it.

theSheWolf's Avatar
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@Euforia33, the path seems to be fine: markup<Directory \\\"C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs\\\"

@dami3n Thanks for the link, i\'ll take a look at it. And yeah, I\'ve set it up on linux before however I was using ubuntu back|track at that time which majorly sucks. I was actually kinda try setting it up on my laptop running gentoo but it required an eth0 connection…I would use vmware and try to run it on a version of *nix but vmware did not work well with my machine and I can\'t seem to figure it out why but oh well.

dami3n's Avatar
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Yeh I run backtrack all the time :) it is a pain great os tho some great tools. VMware works fine except sound, sounds really choppy. But then again I have duel boot so if I need to do audio editing I swap OS the real way.

darkmistery's Avatar
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If you are using windows you should check xampp/wampp. They both come with Apache/MySQL/PhpMyAdmin preconfigured

Euforia33's Avatar
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When I first turned one of my computers into a web server I found installing it all separately to be better than using the pre-bundled packages, I think you learn more this way.

I remember when I was a kid and my dad first taught me to swim, he took me straight to the deep end of our local pool and literally threw me in. It did not take long for me to learn after that ;). Now this may not be the right way to learn for some people, but for others who are like myself, it is the best way.

darkmistery's Avatar
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Euforia33 wrote: When I first turned one of my computers into a web server I found installing it all separately to be better than using the pre-bundled packages, I think you learn more this way.

I remember when I was a kid and my dad first taught me to swim, he took me straight to the deep end of our local pool and literally threw me in. It did not take long for me to learn after that ;). Now this may not be the right way to learn for some people, but for others who are like myself, it is the best way.

Yes you are right, but if she need them just for development they are the best choice. They are also configurable so she can still learn something. Installing those separately can be a daunting task.

AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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With this thread, I think the easiest thing to do is create a Virtual Machine. With a VM you can install a separate OS and test the system from your main machine still. With the VM you should install an operating system like Debian or CentOS to learn the ropes of development in this style. From the Debian OS you can just apt-get install apache2 and all the other relevant files to get your dev server online and you can access it when ever you need to by simply opening the VM. If you need any help with setting this up let me know. Hope it all goes well for you OP.

theSheWolf's Avatar
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@dami3n, I like back|track but imo, it\\\\\\\'s true shit. I mean the tools are the only good part. I want something that runs as smooth as gentoo but has back|track\\\\\\\'s tools.

@darkmistery. Yeah, I think if all else fails I\\\\\\\'ll look at xampp/wampp.

@Euforia33, yeah I agree, if it wasn\\\\\\\'t for error messages and problems, I wouldn\\\\\\\'t know anything about linux…it kinda forces u to learn.

@AlderHawk, I have tried to create a virtual machine but I got an error saying something about my system not having a certain feature needed…etc, etc. Though, I think I might give it a try again. I\\\\\\\'ll use workstation this time and see if it\\\\\\\'s better.

Thanks everyone for your replies.

I\'ve decided I\'l just run gentoo on vmware workstation. it seems to be working fine. I\'ll just setup a server on that and everything should run smoothly.