Project Euler: Problem 28, coded in python
Hello everyone, I lately have had my spark for programming reappear (had started to learn python a while back) and have found a website called project euler that gives mathematical problems to be solved using your programming skills.
I have been doing decently until I hit a wall, I believe the mathematical foundation behind my code is correct, but it is not giving me the correct answer.
The question can be found here:
Here is the code that I used to find the answer (like i said before, I am very new to the programming scene but criticism is always welcome)
diagA = []
diagB = []
a = 1
a_change = 2
b = 1
b_change = 4
b_counter = 1
while loop == 1:
if a <= 1002001: # the largest number in the first diagonal
a=a_change + a # finds the next number in the diagonal
a_change=a_change+2 # changes the amount the next number in the diagonal increases, according to the mathimatical rule found
diagA[1:1]=[a] # records new number in the list
print "yes" # just used this to show program hasnt frozen
print "Done A" #shows that diagonal A is done and switches loop to begin code for diagonal B
loop = 2
while loop == 2:
if b <=1001001: # the largest number in the second diagonal
b=b_change+b # finds the next number in the diagonal
b_counter = b_counter + 1 #using counter because it was found that the amount of change increases every odd interval
if b_counter%2 !=0: # When the interval is odd this piece of code activates
b_change = b_change+4 # changes the amount the next number in the diagonal increases, according to the mathimatical rule found
diagB[1:1]=[b] # records new number in the list
print "yes b"
print "done b"
loop = 3 #ends code
print ""
print diagA #prints all numbers in Diagonal A (just to ensure that the numbers are correct
print ""
print diagB #prints all numbers in Diagonal B (just to ensure that the numbers are correct
print ""
print sum(diagA + diagB) ######### prints the sum off all numbers in the diagonal , THIS IS WHERE I BELIEVE THE ERROR IS######
Nice elegant solution, good work. It is not often you see an example in c that is smaller then a python counter part.
I tried converting you're version to python. Although python gets rid of the boilerplate I feel like its a bit more hackish then the c version. Also of course in terms of time and memory c is faster and takes less memory.
Python: time: 0.02s memory: 4676 kB C: time: 0.01s memory: 2724 kB
for i in range(3, 1002):
if i % 2 != 0:
answer += (4*((i*i)-(((i-1)/2)-1+i)))
print("Answer: " + str(answer))```
You can use a step argument in range like this:
for i in range(3, 1002, 2):
Also, the sum() built-in function might be faster than manual addition.
And there is no need to convert the answer to string. You can do it with string formatting or, in this simple case, just passing multiple arguments to print():
print('Answer:', answer)
NotMyFault wrote: You're all working too hard ;)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
long long int answer = 1;
for(int i=3; i<=1001; i+=2)
answer += ( 4*((i*i)-(((i-1)/2)-1+i)) );
cout << answer << endl;
return 0;
exploit the fact that the spirals expand predictably.
Good answer. It becomes much simpler if you map out the monad in simple terms, where the sum =
markupf(n) = 4(2n+1)2 – 12n + f(n-1)
stranac wrote: You can use a step argument in range like this:
for i in range(3, 1002, 2):
Awesome I learned something about the range() function that I didn't know before. Thanks stranac. And fixed it looks much better and more pythonic.
Smaller source, faster execution. time: 0.01s memory: 4676 kB
for i in range(3, 1002, 2):
answer += (4*((i*i)-(((i-1)/2)-1+i)))