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Hey, i've got a friend thats trying to do her uni assignment with a bit of pythoon and i don't have a clue myself.
she wants to get this code to work but can't
if 'oracle' in line:
print "lines : ", lines```
she said shes trying to find out how many times people attempted to log into the oracle account and create a log of it.
Could anyone shed some light on this please?
she needs this done by tuesday
>>> for line in open ('auth.txt' ): if 'oracle' in line: print "lines : ", lines
Is she retarded? If her aim is to print out a value every time a user signs into an Oracle account,
A ) there is no account provided to scan for input. B ) She's attempting to scan and print out how many times 'oracle' occurs in 'auth.txt'.
Either you heard what she wanted to do wrong, or she's so far off that I don't even wanna help.
Ragamuffin wrote: she said shes trying to find out how many times people attempted to log into the oracle account and create a log of it.
You can do this from oracle:
where log_date > (sysdate - 7)
and MESSAGE = ‘Login failed’
order by log_date;```
You may have to tell the database to audit login attempts. Just google "oracle audit failed login attempts" and you'll find explanations.