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ActionScript question

Mtutnid's Avatar
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Edit: Rewriting my question… How can I use ActionScript to get the source-code of a webpage?

Mtutnid's Avatar
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MoshBat wrote: Flash Decompiler.

I meant the other way around. I have used decompilers a million times.

Mtutnid's Avatar
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Because flash is objects are client side and what it can do doesn't depend on the browser. So I should be able to make a cross domain website.

spyware's Avatar
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You can always use actionscript to execute another file (say a php script) and grab the results from there.

Mtutnid's Avatar
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I know. I wanted to do something beyond me. I wanted to make it client side Cross Domain. And that's hard, since it includes tricking the browser security. I can't even read Iframe content… :(

I just wanted to try it because that opens a lot more vulnerabilities, you don't need CSRF to change the password. :D:D And I'm surprised that there are so many CSRF vulns here.