Python OOP help
Hello again ^^
I've encountered a problem with python OOP that I cannot find any solution to :/ Although I think that I might be the one thinking wrong, yet still I need some help so… :P
I'm trying to create a script that reads the name of every folder (a project) in a workspace folder and then display some info about a chosen project.
import os
class project:
"""Projects in Workspace"""
def __init(self):
def name(self): = name
def stats(self):
directory = os.getcwd() + "\Workspace"
dir_content = os.listdir(directory) # --> dir_content = ['Website1", "Website2"]
The question is, how do I get dir_content[0] (website1) to become an instance of the project class?
"""Projects in Workspace"""
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
def name(self, name): = name
directory = os.getcwd() + "\Workspace"
workspace_content = os.listdir(directory)
for i in range(len(workspace_content)):
project_path = os.path.join(directory, workspace_content[i])
workspace_content[i] = project(project_path)
print workspace_content[i].name
results: <main.project instance at 0x01B03DF0>
-_- wtf am I doing wrong?
ah I see…
doing as you suggested COM will give me a list with instances as elements. what I want to do is create x amount of instances automatically. This should be done with some kind of a loop cause the number of instances will be defined by the number of folders –> 10 folder = 10 instances by the names:
folder1 folder2 etc. folder10
suggestions? :P
Demons Halo wrote: [quote]COM wrote: Convert list to dict and then use that, from keys maybe?
I struggled for a day and right when I came up with the solution you posted it :P mohah thnx for the answer anyway =) [/quote] If you're going to quote people, don't try to fix typos, there's a reason for there not being a space between from and keys. Also, you do know that I really don't know anything about python, right? So come on, man, get your shit together :P
Edit: oh and if you really are this stuck and need help, etc. I'd recommend you talk to ynori about it, unlike me, he's actually good with python and loves to help :)
ok here's a more complicated problem I encountered using pygtk… I'm trying to create a treeview for the folders in my workspace, now I've created the treeview and it works like magic. The only problem is that the current tree look like this:
- project 1 |– file 1 |– file 2
What I want to do is having an icon ex. file1.png instead of the | symbol.
here's my code so far
treestore = gtk.TreeStore(gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str) **#TreeModel with pixbud and string**
for i in range(len(keys)):
tree_menu = treestore.append(None, [self.arrowsout_icon, [keys[i]]]) ** #Parent row --> arrowout_icon and first project name**
for x in range(len(workspace_projects[keys[i]].file_list)):
treestore.append(tree_menu, [self.film_icon,[workspace_projects[keys[i]].file_list[x]]]) **#child row --> for every item in folder --> film_icon and filename**
tree = gtk.TreeView(treestore) ** #TreeView for the TreeModel**
workspace_tree = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Projects in workspace") **#Show the column**
tree.append_column(workspace_tree) **#Add the column to the tree**
cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() **#Reder the data in each cell**
workspace_tree.pack_start(cell, True)
workspace_tree.add_attribute(cell, "pixbuf", 0)
workspace_tree.set_sort_column_id(0) **#Make the column sortable!**
I can't figure out why this isn't working. If i remove the icons and use CellRendererText(), everything works. but when using icons and Pixbuf, things seem to get a bit weird.
No error message is shown, only empty cells. :/
My guess is that there is something wrong with the attributes I'm including, but the PyGTK documentation sucks, so… :P