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Disable USB

ghost's Avatar
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A small simple tool that disables USB drives in C++.

Here is the basic code that disables the USB. Simple registry editing

DWORD dwVal1 = 4;
HKEY hKey;
res=RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\UsbStor", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey);                 if(res!=ERROR_SUCCESS)
MessageBox(0,"Error Disabling USB","Error",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK  );
res=RegSetValueEx (hKey, "Start", 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwVal1 , sizeof(DWORD));                            
   MessageBox(0,"Disabling USB Done","Success",0);```

Here is the link to the tool

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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I've had that some reg. edit in a batch file for ever. Why are you posting someone Else's work BTW.

ghost's Avatar
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I have reasons to believe DMWM's account is hacked. I urge an administrator to take a look at this matter.

ghost's Avatar
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Oh God..

Actually I was posting it for starters who did not know about it on how to do it in a C\C++ program.

This was one of the small apps I wrote during my vacation a few years ago (It was written by myself..if u have doubt.., plz mail me on that address or something :) .

I have submitted a Win32 API registry editing functions article and thought that this thread would act as an example.. It was not accepted as it turned out blank on submission I was told.

Sorry if I had done something wrong… my account is not hacked lol :)