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program optimization...

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Being in love with number theory, Johnny decided to take a number theory course. On the first day, he was challenged by his teacher with the following problem: given a number N, compute the product of its positive divisors. Johnny is desperate to impress his new teacher so he asks you for help.

In this problem, the divisors of N do not include the number N itself. For example, if N=12, the divisors of N (excluding N) are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. Thus, the product of divisors is 1x2x3x4x6=144. Since the result may be very large, if the result has more than 4 decimal digits, Johnny only needs to compute the last 4 digits of it. Input

The first line contains t, the number of test cases (about 300,000). Then t test cases follow.

Each test case contains a single integer N (2 ≤ N ≤ 500,000) whose product of divisors needs to be computed. Output

For each test case, print a single line containing the corresponding result of that test case. Example

Input 6 3 4 12 25 957 10000

Output 1 2 144 5 7493 0000

Date: 2009-05-05 Time limit: 2s Source limit: 50000B Languages: All

i hav written code using brute forcing approach.but time limit of 2s exceeds.hw can i reduce time limit.Tell me if my approach is wrong… my code is below-

#include<stdio.h> //#include<conio.h>

int main() { register long int t; scanf("%d",&t); for(register long int y=0;y<t;y++) { long int mul=1; long int n; int x=0; scanf("%ld",&n); for(register long int i=2;i<=n/2;i++) { if(n%i==0) { mul=mul*i; if((mul/10000)!=0) { mul=mul%10000; x=1; } } } if(x==1 && mul==0) printf("0000\n"); else printf("%ld\n",mul); } //getch(); }

thanx for reading….

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This is the wrong site to ask, most people will just say piss of and learn yourself.

Try to use google it will probably give you a better answers or ask on a site dedicated to help people with programming.

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Well for one, you dont have to iterate the loop all the way until you reach N. You can safely stop at N/2 because usually the last or largest factor (excluding N) comes before or right at N/2. And if you have to get N included as a factor, you can just multiply the product of your divisors by N as a separate step.

You could make a chart to prove it.

N..........N/2..........Largest factor (excluding N)

I whipped up a little bit of code and noticed at 25, you got 5. Are you not supposed to list factors that occur more than once? I'm rusty and haven't coded in a while, but here's what I have (in C++)

#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include &lt;conio.h&gt;

using namespace std;

int main(){
//get number
int number;
unsigned long int productofdivisors=1;

	for(int i=1;i&lt;=(number/2);i++){
	/*I did number/2 because i noticed usually after half the number i reached, there are no more factors except for whatever the number is itself.*/
return 0;

Replacing the contents of the for loop with


catches cases where a factor occurs more than once in a number like 25 (where 5 occurs twice).

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Homework thread.


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spyware wrote: Homework thread.


Indeed, that was my first thought as well.

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you don't have to go to N/2. only the square root of N, cause youll already have figured out the higher divisors by doing N/lowerDivisor.

spy and caps… hes learning… hw isnt always best done by yourself. he provided code.. of which i didnt look at but im sure he put some effort in.

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go to your teacher if you cant solve it

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1337h4cker wrote: go to your teacher if you cant solve it

depends on the teacher… sometimes they're ass holes.

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styloverte116 wrote: you don't have to go to N/2. only the square root of N, cause youll already have figured out the higher divisors by doing N/lowerDivisor.

spy and caps… hes learning… hw isnt always best done by yourself. he provided code.. of which i didnt look at but im sure he put some effort in.

All too true, I'm embarassed that I knew that but didn't think of it.

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shivmitra wrote: given a number N, compute the product of its positive divisors.

You might want to re-read your problem first. Saved your grade.