I made a trojan, could be a bot with the right features ...
I made a trojan, could be a bot with the right features. It's really just a proof of concept, as it is impractical, because it is written in perl…however you can compile it with perlApp and run it and it's install program on a windows computer, as an executable. if you add some networking features it could easily be used as a bot for a bot net. Code and such: http://bsdpunk.blogspot.com/2008/12/perl-bot-trojan-could-be-bot-net-bot.html
bsdpunk wrote: I made a trojan, could be a bot with the right features. It's really just a proof of concept, as it is impractical, because it is written in perl…however you can compile it with perlApp and run it and it's install program on a windows computer, as an executable. if you add some networking features it could easily be used as a bot for a bot net. Code and such: http://bsdpunk.blogspot.com/2008/12/perl-bot-trojan-could-be-bot-net-bot.html
Ok dude seems like nice work, but it's on your blog at first place, so no need to start new thread just to 'present' it. For that we have shoutbox and codebank;)