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PHP mime types issue

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Trying to make an uploader for a project and set it to only allow .mp3's, so I went with mime types and it still thinks that the uploaded file is never an mp3, even with the correct mime type.

(I know the upload limit is small, there's a reason for that one.)

$target = "upload/";
$target = $target . basename( $_FILES['uploaded']['name']) ;

if ($uploaded_size > 35000){
	echo "The file is too large.<br />";

if (!($uploaded_type =="audio/mpeg3")){
	echo "Only Mp3's are allowed<br />";

if ($valid==0){
	Echo "The file was not uploaded";

			if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'], $target)){
			echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']). " has been uploaded";
			echo "The file was not uploaded";

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$uploaded_type and $uploaded_size don't even exist on there :s

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This is an uploader that I coded from about 3 years:


$uploaddir = 'upload/';

$uploadfile = $uploaddir.$_FILES['userfile']['name'];

$userfile = $_FILES['userfile']['name']; 

$max_upload_size = "5120000";

### Font setup ###
$font = "verdana";
$font_size = "3";
$font_color = "#ff6600";

### Error Messages #######################################################################

# No file to upload
$no_file = "<b><font face=\"$font\" size=\"$font_size\" color=\"$font_color\">Sorry, but you didn't select an image to be uploaded!";

# File is to big
$to_big_file = "<b><font face=\"$font\" size=\"$font_size\" color=\"$font_color\">Sorry, but the image you have select is too big to be uploaded!";

# Not the correct filetype
$not_correct_file = "<b><font face=\"$font\" size=\"$font_size\" color=\"$font_color\">Sorry, but the file you tried to upload is not a valid image!";

# Error to write file to upload directory
$error_write_file = "<b><font face=\"$font\" size=\"$font_size\" color=\"$font_color\">Sorry, but there has been an error processing file! Please try again later!";

# The file is already uploaded!
$already_uploaded = "<b><font face=\"$font\" size=\"$font_size\" color=\"$font_color\">Sorry, the image already Exists on server!";


if (!$_FILES['userfile']['name']) 

if ($_FILES['userfile']['size'] > $max_upload_size)

if (!in_array($_FILES['userfile']['type'] , array ('audio/mpeg3')))

if (file_exists ($uploadfile))



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Got it with some research at w3 schools.