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Socketing goals/ideas for someone new to it?

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Hi all. So i'm sitting here neglecting sleep and current web projects and I feel like messing with some socketing. I just whipped up a simple bux site and pre 2.15 agpt exploit script for fun. But with that out of the way I dont know what to make.

I want to tinker with socketing a bit, because the most I've ever gotten to work was a pre-made chat program in python I found a while back that I made simple edits too. I have it, but its lost somewhere in an archived forum post. I could still find it…

It seems that when I try the socketing examples they only work locally, which partially defeats the whole purpose.

I'd like to be able to get something basic to actually work, but I do not have any friends I can test with anymore to see if my program is sending data to their client, and vice versa. I'll probably just use my laptop if I manage to find another cat5 laying around.

I'm probably going to use python to learn socketing. For some reason after all the tinkering with different languages I always find python to be the language I like. New things are easier for me to learn and understand with simple syntax too so its double bonus:happy:

With that, what should I attempt to make upon getting a hello world and basic input program working? My downfall in programming is my imagination to create new things:(

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The first script I made with sockets was an IRC bot. I think that's usually the best way to start out. Then you'll not only be learning how to do sockets in that specific language, but you'll learn a protocol. I also made a very simple HTTP server in python. It only had 200 and 404 errors. After doing those two things, you'll be really used to socket servers and clients. If you want to learn how to do input and stuff along with the sockets, I'd suggest doing an IRC client or even just like an echo server/client. They can both be run on the same machine, you don't need two different ones.

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Well if I got it to communicate back and forth I could probably make some kind of non-visual rat. I'm going to try the http server because then I can test over the internet.

I know I do not need two computers to see if a socketed program works, but two computers on different networks is the only way to know if your program will work over the internet. And a networked program that doesn't work over the internet is a bit boring if you ever plan to use it xD

Thanks for the ideas, i'll play around with them.:radio: