Database Driven IP Logger
Hey Guys,
I have been playing around with making an IP logger that stores its information in a database, along with features of adding comments and other information to the logs.
I have posted a .zip of the code and written a bit about it on my blog, let me know what you think :)
Thanks and Peace.
Cool but, the stealth is basically just
$time = date("F j, Y, g:i a");
file_put_contents("whatever.txt", "IP: " . $ip . "\n\r\n\r" . "Time: " . $time . "\n\r\n\r\n\r", FILE_APPEND);
which is easier to implement on any page, instead of redirecting
Thanks for the reply,
That is what I was saying in the post, but I find I like to keep logs of all the logged IPs, and for example say I go round to my mates and fancy a play around with his network later, it is possible to log it myself with some notes to go with it.
Just thought I would have a go as I have never seen anyone go beyond the usual get IP throw it in to a .txt file kind of style :)
hellboundhackersok wrote: Oh I see! Why not just write it on paper :p Exactly… I was waiting for someone to bring up this point. Hell, there's not even a point to using the REMOTE_ADDR server variable when you can just sniff the inbound traffic to the server, look for the source address, and write that down on paper, too. Now that we're on the subject, I've even found pen-and-paper bruteforcing to be better in both energy conservation and efficiency, as compared to the previously-touted multi-threaded attempts of a prog like THC-Hydra.
In fact, fuck using a computer… I'm kickin' it ol' skool. I'm out.