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Code Golf

ghost's Avatar
0 0

I'm not too good at thinking these up, so If you have a better one feel free. Maybe this could break away into another thread of challenges, need something to do.

a	d	g
k	o	s

x	b	e

1 newline between each row, 1 tab between characters.

ghost's Avatar
0 0

I used to do something similar, maze solvers. I can't seem to dig up any of my own code, but I have a good friends work here:

http://www.societyofrobots.com/member_tutorials/node/94 that's a tutorial kind of. I haven't really looked through a lot of your code but it doesn't look in the least bit right. Here was my buddies winning code to solve a maze in the fewest keystrokes:

    Maze Programming Contest 
   (C) 2008 nulluser@gmail.com

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

// Cell directions and flags
#define CELL_N      0x01                // North
#define CELL_S      0x02                // South
#define CELL_E      0x04                // East
#define CELL_W      0x08                // West
#define CELL_FLAG   0x10                // Marker for generation and path

const unsigned int step_mode = 0;       // True for single step testing mode
const unsigned int maze_x_size = 25;    // Size of maze
const unsigned int maze_y_size = 10;
const unsigned int num_tries = 1;       // Number of random mazes to test 
const unsigned long count_limit = maze_x_size * maze_y_size * 4;

/* User solution */
struct solution_type
    char name[32];                              // Name of solution
    unsigned int (*func)(unsigned int doors);   // User function
    long int count;                             // Total steps

/* Core maze */
struct maze_type
    unsigned char *cell_data;                   // Cell grid
    unsigned long x_size, y_size;               // Size of maze  


/* Right hand rule */
unsigned int rh_rule(unsigned int doors)
    static unsigned int dir = CELL_E;
    dir = dir == CELL_S ? CELL_W :              // Rotate right
          dir == CELL_E ? CELL_S :
          dir == CELL_N ? CELL_E : CELL_N;
    while(dir & doors)                          // While blocked rotate left
        dir = dir == CELL_E ? CELL_N : 
              dir == CELL_N ? CELL_W :
              dir == CELL_W ? CELL_S : CELL_E;
/* End of rh_rule */

/* Left hand rule */
unsigned int lh_rule(unsigned int doors)
    static unsigned int dir = CELL_E;
    dir = dir == CELL_E ? CELL_N :              // Rotate left
          dir == CELL_N ? CELL_W :
          dir == CELL_W ? CELL_S : CELL_E;
    while(dir & doors)                          // While blocked rotate right
        dir = dir == CELL_S ? CELL_W : 
              dir == CELL_E ? CELL_S :
              dir == CELL_N ? CELL_E : CELL_N;
/* End of lh_rule */

    End of Submissions 

/* Return maze cell data */
inline unsigned char get_data(struct maze_type *maze, int x, int y)
    return(maze->cell_data[x + y * maze->x_size]);
/* End of get data */

/* Return true if the requested door is open */
unsigned int door_clear(struct maze_type *maze, int x, int y, unsigned int dir)
    if (x < 0 || x >= maze->x_size || y < 0 || y >= maze->y_size ) return(0);

    if ((dir == CELL_N && get_data(maze, x, y)   & CELL_N) ||
        (dir == CELL_S && get_data(maze, x, y+1) & CELL_N) ||
        (dir == CELL_W && get_data(maze, x, y)   & CELL_W) ||
        (dir == CELL_E && get_data(maze, x+1, y) & CELL_W)) return(0);

/* End of door clear */

/* Decode walls for corners */
unsigned char get_corner(struct maze_type *maze, int x, int y)
    unsigned int bars = 0;  // Blocked paths around intersection

    // Check around the intersection to determine what is blocked            
    if (x < maze->x_size && !door_clear(maze, x, y, CELL_N)) bars |= 0x01; // E
    if (y < maze->y_size && !door_clear(maze, x, y, CELL_W)) bars |= 0x02; // S
    if (x > 0 && !door_clear(maze, x-1, y-1, CELL_S)) bars |= 0x04; // W
    if (y > 0 && !door_clear(maze, x-1, y-1, CELL_E)) bars |= 0x08; // N 

    // ASCII Chars for the different maze intersections
    unsigned char ascii_corner[] = {' ', 196, 179, 218, 196, 196, 191, 194,
                                    179, 192, 179, 195, 217, 193, 180, 197};
/* End of get_corner */

/* Return true if a cell has been visited or is out of range */
unsigned int check_flag(struct maze_type *maze, int x, int y)
    if (x < 0 || x >= maze->x_size || y < 0 || y >= maze->y_size) return(1);
    if (get_data(maze, x, y) & CELL_FLAG) return(1);
/* End of cell_visit */

/* Breaks down the barrier between cells */
// Only UP and LEFT are used for door markers 
void open_door(struct maze_type *maze, int x, int y, unsigned int dir)
    if (dir == CELL_W) maze->cell_data[x+y*maze->x_size]     &= ~CELL_W;
    if (dir == CELL_E) maze->cell_data[x+y*maze->x_size+1]   &= ~CELL_W;
    if (dir == CELL_N) maze->cell_data[x+y*maze->x_size]     &= ~CELL_N;
    if (dir == CELL_S) maze->cell_data[x+(y+1)*maze->x_size] &= ~CELL_N;               
/* End of open door */

/* Process next cell for maze generation */
void next_cell(struct maze_type *maze, int x, int y) 
    // Mark cell as visited
    maze->cell_data[x + y * maze->x_size] |= CELL_FLAG;
    // Compute visited cells nearby     
    unsigned int open = !check_flag(maze, x, y - 1) * CELL_N | 
                        !check_flag(maze, x, y + 1) * CELL_S |
                        !check_flag(maze, x - 1, y) * CELL_W |
                        !check_flag(maze, x + 1, y) * CELL_E;
    if (open == 0) return;   // Nowhere to go, back track

    unsigned int dir = 0;

    // Loop until we find an unvisited cell
    while (!(open & dir)) dir = 1 << rand() % 4;

    open_door(maze, x, y, dir);

    next_cell(maze, x - (dir == CELL_W) + (dir == CELL_E), 
                    y - (dir == CELL_N) + (dir == CELL_S));

    // Branch if not at beginning, done otherwise
    if (x + y != 0) next_cell(maze, x, y);        
/* End of next_cell */

/* Create a random maze */
int make_maze(struct maze_type *maze, unsigned int x_size, unsigned int y_size)
    maze->x_size = x_size;  
    maze->y_size = y_size;
    // The extra right column and bottom row are used for barrires
    maze->cell_data = (unsigned char *) malloc((x_size + 1) * (y_size + 1));
    if (maze->cell_data == NULL)
        printf("Unable to get maze memory\n");
    // Close all doors    
    for (int i = 0; i < (maze->x_size + 1) * (maze->y_size + 1); i++)    
        maze->cell_data[i] = CELL_N | CELL_W;
    // Create the maze
    next_cell(maze, 0, 0);

/* End of make maze */

/* Display the maze */
void show_maze(struct maze_type *maze, int px, int py)
    for (unsigned int y = 0; y < maze->y_size + 1; y++)
        for (unsigned int x = 0; x < maze->x_size; x++)
           if (!door_clear(maze, x, y, CELL_N))
                printf("%c%c%c", get_corner(maze, x, y), 196, 196); 
                printf("%c  ", get_corner(maze, x, y));

        printf("%c\n", get_corner(maze,maze->x_size, y));    

        for (unsigned int x = 0; x < maze->x_size + 1 && y != maze->y_size; x++)
            printf("%c", door_clear(maze, x, y, CELL_W) ? ' ' : 179);

            if (x == px && y == py) printf("**"); else
            if (get_data(maze, x, y) & CELL_FLAG && x != maze->x_size) 
                printf("%c%c", 222, 221); 
                printf("  ") ;
/* End of show maze */

/* Clear travel path and reset to start */
void reset_maze( struct maze_type *maze)
    for (int i = 0; i < (maze->x_size + 1) * (maze->y_size + 1); i++)    
        maze->cell_data[i] &= ~CELL_FLAG;
/* End of reset maze */

/* Test a solution */
int solve_maze(maze_type *maze, unsigned int next_move(unsigned int doors) )
    int count = 0, x = 0, y = 0;
    // Mark start
    maze->cell_data[0] |= CELL_FLAG;
    while(count < count_limit)
        if (step_mode) printf("(%d, %d)\n", x, y);

       // Compute closed doors
        unsigned int doors = !door_clear(maze, x, y, CELL_N) * CELL_N | 
                             !door_clear(maze, x, y, CELL_S) * CELL_S |
                             !door_clear(maze, x, y, CELL_W) * CELL_W |
                             !door_clear(maze, x, y, CELL_E) * CELL_E;        
        // Run user's code and filter agasint doors
        unsigned int move = next_move(doors) & ~doors; 

        // Move in maze. Make sure only one move takes place
        if (move == CELL_N) y--; else
        if (move == CELL_S) y++; else
        if (move == CELL_W) x--; else
        if (move == CELL_E) x++;


        // Mark current cell
        maze->cell_data[x + y * maze->x_size] |= CELL_FLAG;
        // Lower right corner, maze solved
        if (x == maze->x_size-1 && y == maze->y_size-1) return(count);
        // Display progress
        if (step_mode)
            show_maze(maze, x, y);  

/* End of solve maze */

/* Driver */
int main( void )
    // Solutions to test
    struct solution_type solutions[] = {{"RH Rule", &rh_rule, 0},
                                        {"LH Rule", &lh_rule, 0}};

    unsigned int num_solutions = sizeof(solutions) / sizeof(solution_type);


    maze_type maze;  
    // Try each solution with a number of different mazes
    for (int i = 0; i < num_tries; i++)
        if (make_maze(&maze, maze_x_size, maze_y_size)) 
            printf("Unable to make maze\n");

        // Try the solutions
        for (int j = 0; j < num_solutions; j++)

            printf("Testing %s: \n", solutions[j].name);
            unsigned int steps = solve_maze(&maze, solutions[j].func);
            // Unable to solve
            if (steps == 0) solutions[j].count = -1;                                

            // Add steps to solve
            solutions[j].count += steps;
            show_maze(&maze, -1, -1);


    printf("Name                Score\n");

    for (int i = 0; i < num_solutions; i++)
        printf("%-16s    ", solutions[i].name); 
        if (solutions[i].count != -1)
            printf("%-4d\n", solutions[i].count / num_tries);
            printf("DNF\n", solutions[i].name);
/* End of main */

I'll try and dig up my solution, it wasn't quite as complicated.

ghost's Avatar
0 0

The last line threw me off a bit.. so I had to cheat on a few lines, and I am still very much a beginner in cpp so I don't know all the shortcuts :(

smufkin@emily:~$ wc -c golf.cpp 210 golf.cpp smufkin@emily:~$ cat golf.cpp #include <iostream> char a = 94; main(){ for (int c=4;c<13;c++){ a=a+3; if(c>6&&c<11){a++;} if(c==10){a++;} if(c==11){a++;} if(a>122){a=a-26;} std::cout << a << "\t"; if (c%3==0){std::cout << "\n";} } } smufkin@emily:~$ ./golf a d g k o s x b e

The Cheating Way:

smufkin@emily:~$ wc -c golf.pl 37 golf.pl smufkin@emily:~$ cat golf.pl print "a\td\tg\nk\to\ts\nx\tb\te\n"; smufkin@emily:~$ perl golf.pl a d g k o s x b e

ghost's Avatar
0 0

japanesedude, you were joking with that, right?

ghost's Avatar
0 0

COM wrote: japanesedude, you were joking with that, right?

Yeah :D

ghost's Avatar
0 0

japanesedude wrote: The last line threw me off a bit.. so I had to cheat on a few lines, and I am still very much a beginner in cpp so I don't know all the shortcuts :(

smufkin@emily:~$ wc -c golf.cpp 210 golf.cpp smufkin@emily:~$ cat golf.cpp #include <iostream> char a = 94; main(){ for (int c=4;c<13;c++){ a=a+3; if(c>6&&c<11){a++;} if(c==10){a++;} if(c==11){a++;} if(a>122){a=a-26;} std::cout << a << "\t"; if (c%3==0){std::cout << "\n";} } } smufkin@emily:~$ ./golf a d g k o s x b e

The Cheating Way:

smufkin@emily:~$ wc -c golf.pl 37 golf.pl smufkin@emily:~$ cat golf.pl print "a\td\tg\nk\to\ts\nx\tb\te\n"; smufkin@emily:~$ perl golf.pl a d g k o s x b e

lulz :)