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I made an internet browser (very basc)

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It has one an hta extension. It isnt working, but I do not see why.

here is the source:

<title>Night_Stalker's Internet Browser</title>
APPLICATIONNAME="Night_Stalker's Internet Browser"
<span id=adbar
style="overflow none">
<input type=text
style="width: expression(document.body.clientwith - 
atext.offsetwidth - 
ago.offsetwidth -85)">
<input type=button
id=ago onclick="navigate()"><BR>
scr="http://www.hacker-planet.110mb.com" id=data
100%: hight: 80%"></iframe>
<script language=jscript>
function navigate() {
document.all.data.scr = url.value;
function clickshortcut() {
if (window.event.keycode == 13) {
url.onkeypress =
<br> Coded by:<b>Night_Stalker</b> Night_Stalker.smile@yahoo.com<BR>Visit my site at<Br><a href="http://www.hacker-planet.110mb.com">www.hacker-planet.110mb.com</a>


EDIT!!!   ok i know this is so random. but if i pinged and looped. how much would I lag? lol

ghost's Avatar
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function navigate() is broken, clearly.

Edit: And also; scr.

Night_Stalker's Avatar
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They need to unban you man. :ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja:

ghost's Avatar
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Night_Stalker wrote: EDIT!!! ok i know this is so random. but if i pinged and looped. how much would I lag? lol

This depends on the packet size of your to-be-pinged packages, your available bandwidth and the amount of packages you can send per time-unit.

For example, if you could ping five megabytes of data per second, you would die within a very short timespan.

If you ping 50000 bytes every second, you would lag a little, probably. You can test it with your command-prompt in windows, actually. Type "ping -?" and specify some options. Open multiple CMD prompts to really get it going.

ghost's Avatar
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Html…. Is this still considered a programming language? As a markup language it really shouldnt be. <Off topic> Yeah I dont like spyware but I still sent Mr. Cheese a Pm to have him unbanned. He's an essential part of this community. Theres good and bad in this world, cant kill somebody just because they have a knack for not containing anger at ignorance.

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Mephisto wrote: [quote]K_I_N_G wrote: What language did you write this in? Yeah total nub question, just not much of a programmer.


Yeah, I just skimmed over it and assumed I wouldnt know it lol. After a second glance I realized it was html.

ghost's Avatar
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K_I_N_G wrote: Yeah, I just skimmed over it and assumed I wouldnt know it lol. After a second glance I realized it was html.

For the most part it is HTML, but you should run it with the .hta extension, offline, for the full effect.

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Night_Stalker wrote: if i pinged and looped. how much would I lag? lol Spyware (or Mephisto, haha) has already answered this, but I just wanted to clarify that localhost is most commonly written as and not (although the whole 127...* is a loopback address, so both work) ;)