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Python script - erorr
Heya guys when i try to run this python script i got error >> "IndentationError: expected an indented block" << WTF!!!!!!!!! :wow:
can anyone help me
there is the script
#! /usr/bin/python
s = input("If you want to create new file type 1 , if you want to open existing one type 2 ")
if s==1:
n = raw_input("Enter file name: ")
b = open(n + ".txt","w")
b.write(raw_input("Enter file content nao: "))
if s == 2:
m = raw_input("Enter file name: ")
p = open(m + ".txt","w")
for line in p:
print line
if (s<1 and s>2):
print "Fuking noobs you must enter 1 or 2!!!!!!!!!"
goto 1