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leonheart's Avatar
20 0

Is it worth using or shall we just stick with just HTML?

ghost's Avatar
0 0

If you want to be a more future proof and multi browser compatible then XHTML is the way forward.

SySTeM's Avatar
20 0

Compliancy FTW :D

spyware's Avatar
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If we want to make the internet accessible for everyone, we should apply standards like XHTML.

ghost's Avatar
0 0

XHTML is pretty much a standard requirement for any kind of web design job out there. If you intend on pursuing a career in web design, I'd suggest taking the extra 5 minutes that it will take to learn XHTML, regardless of your career goals.

ghost's Avatar
0 0

its pretty much HTML but done right

yours31f's Avatar
10 0

yeah, xhtml is for people like me who code by hand. most (i think) WYSIWYG's do XHTML.