How to start learning a language?
The best way to learn is by doing. Find a tutorial online, and be sure you have a working development environment(compiler, interpretter). Play around with examples, try things you think might fail, and just have fun with your language. It will be easier to learn, and you will enjoy doing it.(personal experience)
Well, you can read it online or from book, which case is better for you? In advance: there is possibility that book which you buy won't learn you anything because of bad author…. btw believe it or not, but the best way how to learn some language is on its official site… ( for example, or msdn library of Microsoft (VB, .NET, C#, etc), just look at documentation, mailing lists and you will be ok ;-)
What_A_Legend wrote: I prefer to buy my books rather than get a eBook because even if you print it off its just not the same as having a good book next to you.
So, save money from not buying books, buy a Kindle, and enjoy. :)