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Change Myspace Total Friends

ghost's Avatar
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I have seen some people that have over a billion friends….. and in reality they only have a few.. somehow they modify the code… does anyone have an idea how to do it?

spyware's Avatar
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They rooted the MySpace servers and modified the PHP scripts.

OR, they used a XSS-injection to modify the current HTML document, or something.

mido's Avatar
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Some CSS hacks. ("content: ").

SySTeM's Avatar
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spyware wrote: They rooted the MySpace servers and modified the PHP scripts.

OR, they used a XSS-injection to modify the current HTML document, or something.

MySpace doesn't use PHP it uses ColdFusion ^_^ Muaha :p

ghost's Avatar
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i dont use myspace, but as long as it lets you add HTML and Javascript, they could easily write a script to change how the page displays.

markupdocument.getElementById.['totalfriends'].innerhtml="Joe has 1,000,000,000 friends"

or whatever. that was a quick example.

SySTeM's Avatar
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It blocks Javascript ;)

ghost's Avatar
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Myspace is hard ass hell to hack.:matey: EVen though i see no idea why people should hack it. But does anyone know how to make the friends permanent like 100000000000 friends?:p

mido's Avatar
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noimus wrote: Myspace is hard ass hell to hack.:matey: EVen though i see no idea why people should hack it. But does anyone know how to make the friends permanent like 100000000000 friends?:p

I've finished it up in my first post. :/ (if only some like to keep it as a secret :p)

ghost's Avatar
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quite a few of the profile 'pimper' sites will give you friend amount changing code. Don't ask me which one because i can't remember and there are hundreds. If you can find them, you're retarded.

mido's Avatar
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Ok, Ok, you've been running in circles.

It was something like that :

markupredbtext:after { content: "0000000"; }

Have to be added in a 'about me' box, or so.

eXXon's Avatar
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ok so here it is

<style type="text/css">.redbtext:before{content: '0';}</style>```
you can change it to either before or after(of course this means if you want the number, in this case 0, before or after your current). you can also use both before and after if you want to add something on the front or the back of your real number of friends.
so you just copy the code, paste it in your about me section and edit it however you want.