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Playing with .NET

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Ya, I know I'm no expert or anything, but I'm getting into .NET with one of my classes, working on a program right now.

Rock Paper Scissors, albeit simple, it's a start, I've already got it to face up against AI and keep score thanks to a random variable value.

What I'm asking is are there any commands to shutdown someones computer through .NET? I can set it to track score with variables easily, I just want to give them a present for losing too many times :D

Ah well, probably sound like a skiddy by this point, but hey, we all start somewhere.

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Add using System.IO; to the top.


            if (!File.Exists("C:\\reboot.bat"))
                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("C:\\reboot.bat");
                sw.WriteLine("shutdown -s -m \\\\ -t 100 -c " + '"' + "Cheers" + '"');

That's in C#...

Hope this helps :)

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the original is in VB.net, but that gives me enough Ideas and at least reference code to try and use in vb syntax. Thanks

EDIT- http://www.harding.edu/fmccown/vbnet_csharp_comparison.html

wow, that was convienient


okay, I think I got the code right, can anyone check it? modded it a tad, added a force shutdown and set the time lower so they can't abort the process.

ignore the _'s, there to keep emots from displaying

Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

    If Not File.Exists("C:\reboot.bat"_) Then
        Dim sw As New StreamWriter("C:\reboot.bat"_)
            sw.WriteLine("shutdown -s -m \\ -t 5 -c -f " + """"C +        "Good night!" + """"C )
     End If

     System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\reboot.bat"_)     System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100)
End Sub 

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why would u go to all the trouble of creating a rebot.bat then deleting it. thats a waste of space make it simpler

markupShell("shutdown.exe -t 1 -f -s")