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Other hackers

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Well I was at Barnes & Nobles today and I had a huge stack of programming and network securirty books and this dude walks up to me and sais thats alot of books, and im like "yea.." he asked me wut i had and i showed him everything and we start talking a bit.. turns out hes been hacking for a while now.. im only 13 and started at around 8, the dude said he started at like 17 and now hes 21, so it was cool, he showed me where to find the mag 2600, its awsome btw..

I was wondering, has this ever happened to someone else, where they ran across a fellow hacker?

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I ran accross a fellow pirate. He is now my best friend in collage! LOL

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Me either :(

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I know a pirate. And a SK.

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I only know a SK in real :( No one I ever met knows anything about hacking :(

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i was speaking to some new kid in my science class (he weren't supposed to be in there) and then asked him some stuff thought he woudn't know that stuff and he did and i asked him what sorta hacking he was in and he said [bank accounts] i dont really believe it though

i mean i dont believe about the bank accounts i believe hes into hacking though


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I'd never talk to anyone in normal day-to-day life about hacking unless I knew them really well as I'm totally paranoid. None of my mates know anything about hacking I don't think (PC newbies or hardware-only techies make up most of my mates), nor do they have any idea that I do.

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lucid_dream wrote: I'd never talk to anyone in normal day-to-day life about hacking unless I knew them really well as I'm totally paranoid. None of my mates know anything about hacking I don't think (PC newbies or hardware-only techies make up most of my mates), nor do they have any idea that I do.

same here all the people i know, know nothing about computers :/

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Me either, i run across too many people who brag about things they've done by hacking. Yet, some of those people were in my web design class and didn't know html, hmm…..

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i know this is kinna old but ive ran across a phreaker at a payphone lol i juss wanted to kno like what he was doing he was afraid i was a snitch or something and i told him im in to that stuff too but he was juss red boxing on a older payphone

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Yeah same happened to me 3 months ago when i first was learning to hack. I had a book that seemed like 346537 pages about network hacking and security holes. This guy walked up to me and said "Whoa, and how old are u?" i said "15….." he said "Isnt that a little young to become a hacker" and we started getting in a conversation. Turns out where i live they dont let kids but netowrk books so he was kind enough to buy it for me so i wouldnt get in trouble.

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I try to stay on the down low, I mean… I'm just really paranoid, but of course I wouldnt mind meeting a fellow hacker here in Maryland, someone who really knows what they're talking about.

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i have had a few run ins….

i met a waitress at a club who recognized my 2600 hoodie, not sure if she hacked.

i met a network administrator in Borders, once he found out that i hacked, i eneded up giving him security advice for over an hour.

at the same Borders i met a pen-tester of the US government, we had a little conversation. a woman came over who was interested in hacking after he left and i pointed out some good books.

i have met a few so called "hackers" at my school, but they are all script kiddies.

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Yeah well, I live in Dorset. Mostly fields, aint too many hackers there.

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ya same here Im in 2 computer classes in college. Basic Networking (Prereq :( ) and computer info systems. Both classes I know everything in already so, That pirate I was talking about is my good friend from both classes. When the teacher asks a question, and no one knows it, someone always says, "Lets ask the fellow Hackers", kinda gets anyoying, but we admit what we do in class. Have told some bad ass stories, some we have done and some we havnt, and end up getting extra credit for them! But one of the kids that sits next to us is trying to beome a hacker. I guess his dad is the head admin at a hospital. And his son told him about us, so his dad told him to have us try to break into their wireless connection right. Turns out he wants to do it so he could use the internet. (He is on cable paying for it by himself, so it would be free!!! :)) Anyways he has been talking to us, and know somewhat of what he is doing. We just tell him to come here, H2H, and Enigma and read as much as he could. O Well, we shall see how good he become. Little sk! LOL :P

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well ive had a run in on a few. some that are newbs at it but still know some stuff. so ofcourse i put these ppl up to the challenge. members: Invisablegeek: goes to my school good buddy of mine, we hang around computers and i got him to join HBH

Weapon: goes to my school and im showing him some new things, runs the computer club with me

Detour: good old buddy from 7th grade hes busy and left the site but cant help but fool around with school comp(he added AIm to the school network last week)

Ghostlyhacker: went to my school for a year and i got to know him and hes a good friend now. got me involved with HBH and thats how i got here.

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Bilberry: same school as me, HBH and HTS member. Knows everything from me lol :p

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me neither. Never met anyone here in South Carolina. I subscribe to 2600 also.

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Theres the one at my moms work then there is another at my school cept i already knew they were hackers but they taught me some stuff there is also the coldfusiongag programmers at my moms work