Why do you hack?
well truth be told. i think i was into hacking before i even knew what it really was. i enjoyed html and finding flaws in my parnets computers. And then i learned about l337 and how that was a "haxxor's" langue. so i got really good at that. then i was a script kiddy for a while. asking people to hack my freinds e-mail and send virus's to random people. after awhile i found HTS and started from there on. Now i got a bunch on books on hacking and computers. And i and far smarter then i was early in my passion. i just hope that i can get a good job with it latter on in life. -Godoffire-
i got started when i was quite young, about 7, then i didnt really know what i was doing, so gave up. Then picked it up again when i got good at computers, about 14. Hacked my school, nearly got expelled.
Then thought i should do something worth while with my skills, so now i hack to vioce my opinions, kinda a "hacktivist". So i'd hack a racist site etc
1 person has alot more power, if their good at computers, than several who dont.
I've always been impressed by stories of people who hacked into major computer systems ie. banks, military computers. I only know some HTML so I can hardly be considered a hacker yet, but I do hope to learn more. There's this kickass site that I go to often called w3schools.com. They have great tutorials on HTML, Javascript, PHP and lots more. Right now, I am currently trying to learn Javascript. I wanted to try php but it was too hard. Sure I suck now, but this place looks like it has a lot of stuff to teach people how to hack. I hope to learn more.