i had fun today
i taught one of my friends about bat files (the little bit that i know).
so he went crazy and made a bunch of "viruses" (as he likes to call them) so that they open notepad on a loop and stuff
he left his computer for a bit while he talked to someone else. and that when i had a great idea
CTRL+A +ENTER (select all and open)
i did that to his desktop (where he had the .bat files and a bunch of games that use a lot of ram) and it crashed. he was bragging about his computer and i ended that in a few minutes :P
aren't i an awesome friend?
Folk Theory wrote: its Virii not viruses
I think you'll find it isn't
In the English language, the standard plural of virus is viruses. This is the most frequently occurring form of the plural, and refers to both a biological virus and a computer virus.