Miscelaneous Hacking Scripts
Well for Hacker. We have decided to include a bunch of scripts in numerous languages. This scripts wont be compiled they will just be in text form so i was wondering if anyone here has any they really want to be included. So far we have. Shutdown.bat Hasher.py Crashanymac.html Htmlredirect.html IEcrasher.html Javascriptredirection.js Logcleaner.py Logger.php Memoryeater.bat Neverendingalert.js PhpPortscanner.php Pingofdeath Trojan.py Portscanner.py Remotecontrolkeyboard.js Switchmousebuttons.bat Trojan.js
More to come But any u guys can contribute would be appreciated
If you do want something that might be useful coded by a HBH member: Proxy support for php 'sploits I'll give you it with formatting if you like.
I think it'd also make sense to include the coding competition winner entries.
It's not a hacking script lol, just thought it would be nice sample source code :( I didn't realise it was supposed to be hack scripts, if it it would be nice to have this: Milw0rm.com DB, www.securityforest.com DB
they are now both included. But i think Hacker. Is going to be a huge success. We are going to have a "hack center" built in and coded in php by Cheese. That will include brute forcers, ip locatars etc. And we are gunna have a keylogger .exe with a java client that allows you jsut to input the IP and it will give you the logs of the keylogger back. Lots more to come. But back to the thread. Keep em coming people.