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Cheap Mail Holder? (Not Hacking related)

Neo_Chalchus's Avatar
Lover of Parkour
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Earlier I felt a need to work on a new project, so the zine was the first thing to come to my mind…most of it is already made anyway.

That is right, a zine, the epitome of self-publishing. The kind of freedom you want. Not only that, but I am gonna publish it under a pseudonym and not tell my parents about it…so I can write pretty much Whatever I want. Unfortunately, right now I can't think to much of anything particularly controversial that isn't already being done to death a bajillion times, so I shall write whatever I want and publish it.

My main dilemma, however, is whether to print it or make it available online. If it is print then it would cost $1 to buy, because I want to break even on my money…not making any, not losing it. Though I will most likely lose about 25 bucks anyway, but a man can dream. I would LOVE to print it…it makes it seem so, real. But I don't want my parents to know about it, so I cannot use my own mail to ship the zines and receive requests and money. The UPS store down the street has a mailbox service, but it would cost $50 for three months…and I defiantly don't wanna spend that much.

If anyone has an idea as to how I would get my own mail service for Cheap cheap cheap cheap CHU-EEP, or how to hide it from my parents (getting the mail early is not an option) then I will be forced to make it an e-zine, and for some reason I really would not prefer to do that. But with my parents knowing then I wouldn't have the freedom I want…

The only E-Zine I really like is the HBH Zine (now the Zero Identity Zine,) and I already write for them…the only reason they aren't in print is financial reasons (or so I have been told.)

This is really killing me guys, can you please help? NC