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Bill Gates comments on those Apple ads

ghost's Avatar
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Hahaha that amused me. It's especially funny how Vista is a re-packaged XP, which is a re-packaged win2000, which is a re-packeged win 98, which is a re-packaged win95… And yeah, winME is in there somewhere too… And I love how he's offended by the pc guy XD

ghost's Avatar
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how do you not see a mac commercial? their on every 5 min! has gates been living under a rock?

p.s. post 300! Again!

rockbll4's Avatar
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lol i love the pc guy :P

p.s. i thought mac's were more secure then windows?

ghost's Avatar
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Those commercials rock. Gates is an idiot. We're getting vista at work. I can't wait to see what I can break. :D

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rockbll4 wrote: lol i love the pc guy :P

p.s. i thought mac's were more secure then windows?

this is a common misconception.

windows might actually be more secure, however you hear "mac rarely ever gets viruses, etc.". Wanna know why? Because the majority of the people that use computers, use MS, so guess who the malicous hackers' primary target is, of course, the majority of the people which equals Windows. So the minority that use Mac or *Nix, don't worry as much because the hackers don't feel the need to take the risk of a small benefit, therefore; you hear Mac is more secure, which I do doubt. Even though I will probably not get Vista, I would say its more secure than Mac. I will just stick with XP, and see how things unravel with OS's in the future.